Finished chemo, hair care after cold cap

Hi there


I have finished chemo 2 weeks ago (3 x FEC, 3 x T) and have manged to save most of my hair by cold capping although quite thin on top. My hair has grown considerably and in need of a good cut and colour but it is still shedding so am afraid to change my routine (only washing once a week or slightly less, minimal brushing with fine toothed comb and using simple shampoo and conditioner and very gentle washing. Can anyone share how it was before they could treat their hair normally again? I dont want to do anything to jimx it having come this far! Thanks in advance. x

Hi Chas

This may be a question our specialists can help you with either by the free Helpline, 0808 800 6000, or perhaps by posting directly on the Ask Our Nurses area of the Forum?  Hopefully someone will reply soon with their own recommendations based on their own experience.

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer

I’ve just read your post & I also kept most of my hair using cold cap. I waited about 5 months before I had my hair coloured and they did a colour test first in case my scalp was sensitive. I still use Doctor Organic Aloe Vera shampoo and conditioner and I’m nearly a year post finishing chemo. I also didn’t use hair straighteners. Hope this helps. x

hi Surreyhillsgirl thanks for your response. Wow 5 months is a long time but think I should definitely wait a bit longer although I think I may have to get it cut as grown a lot during chemo. Did your hair keep shedding? I still lose a lot of strands every time i brush! Thanks