Finished treatment after 18 months


I just wanted to tell someone, I have finished my last herceptin treatment today! I was diagnosed in Dec 2008 (aged 46) and have had chemo, mastectomy, radiotherapy, herceptin (for 12 months) and am on tamoxifen. Fortunately it all seems to be going well so far and I am optimistic about the future. It’s been a long haul but things are on the up and I have been back at work full time for the last 6 months. I feel really good (except for the chemo brain!!). I hope this may spur others on who are still going through treatment. I am so thankful that we have the NHS. I have had a positive experience in that sense - the NHS breast cancer services in my area are excellent and it has quite literally saved my life.

Tomorrow my stepson gets married and despite having had a mastectomy I have a fantastic and quite a low cut outfit.

Good luck to everyone out there - there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Helen xx

Well done Helen! Great to hear from someone who’s come out the other end with such a positive attitude.

I’ve only had mx/lymph clearance and 1 chemotherapy so far, have another 7 chemotherapies, radiotherapy and 5 years of tamoxifen to go.

I hope you’re celebrating tonight. xxx Jane

yes well done helen, and just in time to enjoy the wedding. Thankyou for taking the time to post your news, it really does help and is appreciated. Have a fabulous time in your fab outfit, you deserve it


Helen it is great to hear such positive news. Congratulations on finishing Herceptin. Have a lovely day tomorrow at your step-sons wedding and wow them all in your new outfit. Thanks for posting. Jackie

Hi Helen
Thank you for posting such positive news. I am just starting on the long journey of Herceptin so it is nice to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Enjoy the wedding. x

Hi Helen
Great news - I have 3 more Herceptins to go (I was dx March 2009 had a lumpectomy, chemo and rads and when my son got married in May this year I decided to do the celeb bit and although I didn’t lose all my hair (about 50%)it looked rubbish so I gave it great volume with brilliant hair extensions which look exactly like my hair, as the Herceptin has killed my nails I had acrylic nails and as an extra extra treat false eyelash extensions for the day (I was mother of the groom after all). Okay it cost a bit more but then I had saved a year on going to the hairdressers and I got a fantastic bargain dress from Harrods so saved loads!! I felt fab and had a day to remember with my family and friends.
You enjoy every moment - you deserve it.
Jet xx