Hi Ladies
Had my last CMF chemo yesterday. Didn’t quite know how I was going to feel. Would I run out of the unit like a mad women, hugging and kissing random strangers or would I cry??? I did neither! I seem to have no feelings at all. Maybe once three weeks comes round and I don’t set off for the hospital for Tx it will sink in.

I would just like to say to all those about to start or in the middle of chemo, stay positive, take each day and cycle as it comes and in no time your Tx will be done and dusted. I can’t believe that my chemo started at the end of June and now it’s nearly 2008!

I am having 6 weeks off now before my bilateral mastectomy at the beginning of Feb. So I’m off to the surgery forum. I will keep checking this forum though in case I can offer any advise to you or send me a private message… not that I’m an expert just someone who has an idea of what you’re all going through.

I wish you all a very happy christmas and all the best for the New Year.

Lots of love

Carly x

Hi Carly72

Well done (if that’s the right phrase to use?). Enjoy yourself all over christmas and spoil yourself!

Take care

cozza x

hi Carly,
Well done you it must be a great feeling finishing chemo go celebrate and enjoy christmas , i cant wait to finish chemo , only one more cycle to go so nearly there too.
All the Best to you
Lots of Hugs

Lindiloo x

Hi Carly,

I also finished my chemo today, the last of 4 Taxotere (I had 3 AC prior to that) - I am really happy that I do not have to go back again for a while, although I will be going every 3 weeks from about April for my Herceptin, but at least I won’t have to endure the side effects that we get with our chemo. I am having my mastectomy in January, so I will get a little rest from hospital for a while - apart from my pre-op assessment.

I feel like I have got over the worst, and am embarking on the next stage of this long journey, I am really looking foward to my hair coming back along with my eyebrows and eyelashes - especially if they come back long and lucious like some of the others ladies on the forums have!

Good luck to you, Carly and I hope all goes well with your op. Have a fantastic Christmas and a very happy 2008.

All the very best,

Tracy x

Hi Tracy

Good luck to you too! I too, feel that now the chemo is over, I have dealt with the worst bit. I am triple negative so don’t need herceptin. Almost wish I did need it though.

I am looking forward to having hair again, although I have become rather attached to my wig!! It’s takes me hardly anytime to get ready in a morning!!

Have a lovely christmas and maybe we’ll meet up on the surgery forum in the New Year!!

Carly xxx

Thanks Ladies for your best wishes.

You are all absolutely amazing.

Happy Christmas


Hi Carly,

Thanks for your good wishes, I hope all goes well for you too and you have a fantastic Christmas. I will definatly look out for you on the surgery forum.

I know what you mean about becoming attached to your wig, although I am looking foward to having my hair back - I am looking a bit like a grey haired version of Orville at the moment - I also love my wig and it is time-saving in the morning, just a quick comb and plonk it on! I have had so many compliments about it, especially as some people have been really surprised to learn it is not my own!

I’m off to watch Strictly come dancing now!!

All the best to you,

Tracy xxx

"Grey haired version of Orville’!!!

Thank you for making me laugh - having a day of bursting into tears, you have made me smile :slight_smile:

My natural colour is dark brown but it is coming back a sandy red colour! I think I look like a baby owl. And they are cute, so I’m not complaining!


Hi Carly,

I am so glad I managed to cheer you up when you were feeling down, and I hope you’re feeling in better now.

I keep examing my head to see if there’s any sign of the lovely dark brown I used to be, but alas, no - but I guess as it was out of a box for several years, there’s not likely to be!

Wishing you all the very best for 2008,

Tracy xxxx