
Finished my rounds of chemo today, #6 of TAC all done and dusted, and managed to sleep through most of it…it’s a wonderful feeling to have that bit out of the way. Next step is the lympf surgery in July, then the 5 weeks of rads and that’s me done! I reckon by September, I should be starting to feel more like the old me again.yay for me!!! :)))

Hi narnia, great to hear you’ve finished chemo :slight_smile: I remember from a Surgery thread back in November that you had surgery 2 days after I did. I didn’t have chemo, have now finished rads and I’m taking tamoxifen. Good luck for the next stage!

Eliza xx

well done Narnia - what a relief eh? Im due no. 5 of 6 this week…mary x

Well done Narnia!!!

Its such a good feeling isn’t it JUST!!! Good luck with the rest of your treatment.XXXXXXXXX