

Finished! I finished my Herceptin treatment last Thursday!! I was so relieved when I came out of the Hospital I had a little cry to myself. Then at the weekend I passed my Brown belt Karate grading!! Whoopeee!!
Just wanted to share this.


well done! hi stuart im really pleased for you i bet your so relieved, no more needles! ive just had my 7th herceptin a long way to go for me but ive been fine with no side effects ( touch wood!) i bet you feel you can get on with your life now treatments out of the way. its a long hard road through treatment but we manage to get through it, it still feels like yesterday when i was first diagnosed and here i am nearly a year later the time flies dos’nt it.congratulations on getting your brown belt i bet your really chuffed i think you have done really well considering all the set backs you must have had so well done and good luck for the next one black? i think’ go and celebrate and enjoy yourself you deserve it. take care and keep in touch xxx suzee.

CONGRATULATIONS on both finishing your treatment and getting your brown belt…hope you had a good celebration.

karen x

Well done you! Hi Stuart

Well done you and I hope all that gruelling stuff will keep you well.

best wishes


Congratulations!!! …on your brown belt and on finishing your treatment!! I finished my treatment in Feb this year.It really is a brilliant milestone to reach on both counts.
Congrats again
