Finishing tamoxifin - side effects?

Hi everyone. I’m 34 yo and have just finished tamoxifin after 5 years. I thought I would feel excited and relived, but tbh I feel really nervous, anxious and down about it. I guess tamoxifin was like a safety blanket and still felt like I was being actively treated for cancer. Since coming off the drug, I’ve felt extremely emotional. Wondering whether that’s hormonal and estrogen coming back. I dont know what my new normal looks like. Have any young women (pre-menopausal) felt any physical/emotional side effects of coming off Tamoxifen?


I know exactly how you’re feeling.
I’m not young…66, I was on Letrozole not tamoxifen, and have just finished 7 years of taking it. I also do not know, can’t really remember, what my Normal is anymore. Muscle aches have subsided, but the bone density damage is still there. So far I haven’t been having menopausal issues - but then again I’m older than you. The biggest issue (like you) is the loss of the ‘safety blanket’. No one seems to be able to help with that. Doctor looks at me as if I’m stupid and ungrateful for the treatment I’ve had. In addition I can no longer get annual mammograms! NICE guidelines say 3 yearly.:woman_shrugging: Not so nice, especially when my original lump was not palpable and when discovered cancer was already in my Lymph. So that is adding to my anxiety too.
Just have to put our trust in those that say that the time we’ve been on the medication is enough, and that the benefits remain. Hope so. :crossed_fingers:
Sending hugs.


Thank you for posting @agb1. Your feelings of anxiety are something I’m sure many here can relate to. I’m so sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way.

Please know that the forum is here for you. And if you ever have any questions or just need to talk to someone, you can reach our nurses on our free helpline 0808 800 6000.

Sending our warmest,

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