First annual mammo tomorrow, v.nervous!!!

Hi all,

well here I am again, seems I’ve got a lot to say for myself lately! Well, the title says it all really, its my first annual mammo tomorrow and I am really nervous about it.

I was diagnosed last march, age 34. As you’ll all apprectiate I’m sure, its all been such a whirlwind since then. I had a right mastectomy and total ANC, followed by chemo and rads. I’m now on Tamoxifen and Zoladex. Am supposed to be on Herceptin too but for reasons I won’t bore you with now that had to be stopped after the third one.

Anyway, tomorrow’s appt is looming and I’m starting to get quite stressed now. Trouble is I’m really snappy so not great fun to be around right now. I’m so worried that its gonna show something, not sure I could cope with anymore bad news.

Does this get any easier??? Am I going mad or is it totally understandable that I should be a bit wound up right now?

Any advice or opinions would be welcome,

Thanks in advance,


You are not in the least going mad! I could not believe how wound up I was going for my first mammogram. I felt as if I was going right back to the beginning again when I was diagnosed. As if I had stepped back in time.

You are a strong person and have helped so many people with your advice, you will get through this and come out the other side.

I have been for a check up with the oncologist since my mammogram and I still felt nervous. I think the uncertainty is something that is always going to be there and we will learn to live with it.

Please let us know when you get your results. I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Love and take care

All I can say is GOOD LUCK!!!

Hugs Jules xx

Hi Princess
No you are definitely NOT going mad, i’m facing my first annual mammogram next thurs, i had surgery last june, then chemo & radio. I was in such a tearful emotional mess last night, i’ve been told i will probably have to wait 3 weeks for the result & i’m not sure how i’m going to cope with that time without going round the bend.Anyway i did my first post on here yesterday eve & received some lovely comments of support & feel quite a bit better today, although i’m sure i’ll feel a bit sick next thurs. You are not alone & i’ll be thinking about you tomorrow & wishing it all goes well for you.Hang in there.
Best wishes

It was good talking to you tonight good luck for tomorrow let me know how it all goes!
Anna x

Good luck. I am having mine next month and I know I will be really nervous too.


Dear All

I had my first annual mammogram in Nov 2007 and I was absolutely terrified. I was bawling as soon as she checked my name…But the radiographer was so kind and particularly gentle with me. Deep down I knew it would be fine, but the thought of another year like I had was awful.

Good luck to all of you.



I’m sure you’ll be fine. Where I live we have mammo’s every 18 months, so at my first annual checkup in Feb I was just prodded by the surgeon. We had a nice little chat about the difficulties of living with aches & pains that come & go (and each one is secondaries, isn’t it, until it goes away) and he declared me fit & well. I bounced out of his consulting room feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders!

All the best for today.You are not mad you are normal.I was as scared of my first mammo results as I was of getting the results of pathology post surgeryLooking forward to seeing you next week.Love Valx

Hi ladies,

thanks for all your lovely supportive comments. Well, he scan is over and done with and now its time to play the waiting game again! Not my favourite game I must admit, nor anyone else’s I’ve no doubt.

The radiographer was lovely, I was sooooo nervous! I felt like I was about to burst into tears at any moment (I didn’t but god knows how!). She did warn me that I may get a call back to take some more images. Tissue in younger women is much denser apparently and its quite ‘normal’ to get recalled so they can take more images. Despite her assurances that this would not mean that there was necessarily anything to worry about I know that won’t stop me bricking it if I do get a recall!!

Assuming all goes to plan I have an appt see my surgeon on Apr 23rd when I will get the results. Blimey, I can feel a post in the ‘waiting for test results’ section coming on!!

Rivergirl - I’ll be thinking of you on thurs, and hoping that all goes well with your first annual scan. We can play that horrid waiting game together!

Annamarie - Was lovely speaking to you too, hope you’re ok.

Horace - I look forward to seeing you on Friday, I have your No now so will call in a day or 2.

Thanks to everyone else who responded, much appreciated.

Take care all,


Gosh, i thought it was just me being neurotic, i went for my first Mammo on the 11 march and i was terrified, when i went into the room and saw the machine again i could feel myself getting weepy as it did bring it all back to last year when i was recalled back from a routine mammo, but the girl was really nice, i am still waiting on the results, i crap myself when i see the postman coming, so glad i read this it helps me to feel normal.

Regard to you all
Mary xxx

Hi Mary,

you are certainly not alone in feeling weepy. I wish you well as you wait for your results, I hope the news is good when you do get it. Be sure to let us know,

Take care,


Hi maryj
rivergirl here, it is great to be in this waiting phase together isn’t it, so reasuring to know how we are feeling is normal, 2 days to go to my mammogram, trying not to think about it too much at the mo. hope your results come quickly for you & bring good news.
take care,
rivergirl x


Just thought I would update you, my results came back clear today, I am so pleased but feel so drained after the build up to it, got myself in a bit of a pickle.Hope you don’t have to wait to long and it’s good news,will keep everything crossed for you, and my thoughts are with all you other ladies in the same boat.


Hi guys,
well i’ve had my mammogram, didn’t feel too wobbly, think i’d got some of the worry out of my system having had a mini meltdown last week. radiographer was very kind, 2 weeks wait for result letter, yikes. will try to forget about it i think. Heidi, good to hear your results were clear, thats encouraged me.
take care all,
rivergirl x

Hi Ladies

Yesterday i had still not recieved anything and with it now 4 weeks i could not stand it any longer, so i phoned up my breast care nurse and she told me within 10 minutes that it was clear, to say i was relieved is an understatement , the reason for the wait, apparently they have got a new machine and there is a back log , work that one out !!!. I will wait to see how long it takes for the letter to arrive. best wishes to all of you, and if you wait to long, phone the breast care nurse.

Take care
Mary xxxx

Great news maryj, do some celebrating! its cheered me up to hear positive news.
best wishes, rivergirl x

Hi girls,

Heidi & Maryj - thats great news, I’m well pleased for you both.

Rivergirl - I have got everything crossed that your results come back clear in a couple of weeks.

Take care,


Hi kelly,
thanks, thinking of you too, i think we may end up getting our results about the same time. hope you are doing ok? did you get to the shropshire meal today? i couldn’t make it as was at work.
take care, rivergirl