Anyone else starting round about now and would like to compare notes??? Have scared myself to death with the information sheets. I have a trip round chemo department on Friday to see what its all about in prep for next week. Then off to the wig shop. My husband is suggesting fabulous new hair for my wig but i quite fancy the brown bob with fringe look, identical to my own!
Have bought lots of soft cheese, goats cheese etc this week after reading all the stuff i can’t have when i am having the treatment, and am gonna track down some mr whippy ice cream too.
Anyone have any tips about preparing for first chemo ( emotionally and practically)? Dr has given me an anti sickness tablet which also relaxes you a bit to take beforehand.
I keep concentrating on my mum’s description that they put the crack commando squad in first to take out the main bad guys ( the surgery!) and now its the army going in to flush out any of the little buggers who might have escaped!
I am a bit behind you Vickie. I just has my op last week and still don’t know results. But I will be watching out for your posts on chemo when mine starts all tips appreciated. Take care and good luck- kick those buggers into touch. Debx
I have my first chemo tommorrow!! 3 FEC and 3 TAX. I was(am) ‘looking forward’ to it and can’t wait to get started (and over with) but I now have had two very sleepless nights with dreams about all sorts of things - I just hope tomorrow I can walk in the unit, head held high and take my ‘medicine’. I would be more than happy to swap notes with you.
Like you I have gone shopping and bought loads of stuff, based on tips on here - with regard to food shopping I am not sure what I will feel like eating but again using tips on here have stuff in and will see how I feel - It seems little and often is a good tip - rather than ‘large’ meals
I love your mom’s description of it and will bear that in mind whilst it is being put into my system. I think you do need something positive to focus on rather than thinking about the chemiacals invading your body and potential SE’s etc. Good luck with everything and take care
Will be thinking of you today Patricia, good luck. Let me know how you get on. Think i will have sleepless nights too, though this week i have at last had a chunk of good nights together so feel slightly better for that, but still shattered, maybe the 6 weeks in shock is catching up? You are having the same regime as I am, seems the usual one? I started reading other posts for tips but started scaring me as they can go off at a tangent! So have stopped reading them for a bit, hence starting another thread!
Midge, glad you are back after your operation and it is over for you. So you survived the general anaesthetic too? With all this going on, that was a big fear factor for me, odd! Thinking of you, this is the worst horriblest time, waiting for the results, it is much easier to function once there is a plan and treatment dates etc, you get a bit of control back, though am sure chemo will kick that into touch!
take care
big hugs over the internet to you both
I had my first chemo 2 weeks ago and I am doing fine. The first week I had a few ups and downs but nothing I could not handle. It is scary your first time but everybody is so helpful at the centre I go to I was put at ease.
I think you are right about all the tips you read here just take out of it what is helpful to you, although I have found this forum invaluable for good ideas to get through the different side effects. There is always somebody here who has experienced the same as you and can help.
My 2nd Fec is next Friday, i have to get a total of 6 then 20 rads. i would be happy to share my experiences with you as i am only one ahead. I have my wig and it is terrific, have’t lost any of my hair yet.
Hi, I had my first treatment fec, on the 1st april, hopefully having my second on thursday. (depending on bloods) I didnt feel very well for the first 3 days after, was actually only sick 3 times, and only one of them was bad. The worst part for me was the feeling sick part, and i had a terrible headache, couldnt lift my head up. Even though it was tough going, i got through it, and just want to get on with the next one.It is do able, although unpleasant. I have had to have a course of anti-biotics last week, due to having a bad cold, kids have both had one, so thats sods law. They said my neutraphils were very low, so hopefully they are ok now. I am still abit snuffley bu feel much better. Just like to wish everyone going through this nightmare good luck, i’m sure there is a light at the end of the tunnel, just feels miles away just yet.
love sharon x
I’m having second TAC tomorrow,so different from everyone else.After first one had rough first week-tired,nausea,stomach cramps etc,then felt almost normal for two weeks.Still have most of hair,started shedding hairs for last two days,but I look the same to everyone (I’m trying cold cap).The worst part for me was my ‘tour of the unit’,before my treatment started.I felt quite anxious seeing everyone else.However,on the day of the treatment it was fine.The nurses and other patients were lovely,and gossiped and joked the whole time.There was also a constant supply of tea,coffee,cakes and sandwiches .Good luck with everything,it feels good to get one done ,as you know what to expect.
I have my first appointment with oncologist tomorrow! Would be grateful if anyone has some good questions to ask? I tend to freeze at these appointments forgetting to ask things. How long does it tend to take before treatment starts??
I had a mascetomy and recon nearly 4 weeks ago and I am just starting to feel ‘normal’ again.
Im sure you will all agree its the WAITING that drives you mad!
Tor your mums description is fab and so positive.Watch out you little buggers we are gonna get you! Hope your visit helps you prepare yourself.
Take care x
Hi everyone thought I would post on this thread. I had my first chemo today - got back from hospital a couple of hours ago.
It wasn’t too bad to be honest (not sure what I was expecting) but had a very nice nurse talk me though everything and then started the injections which took about an hour in all, including the flushing at the end. I have had something to eat and feel a bit lightheaded and for some reason very tierd but apart from that am ok (fingers crossed) have had the box’s of medications which will start tomorrow but for tonight I think its just a quiet night in, in front of the tele.
Hi Saffronseed
Glad your first chemo has gone well. Please keep us posted on your progress.
I had first appoinment with onco today and first chemo next thursday so will watch with interest.
Enjoy your night in front of tele.
Everything crossed the next week goes smoothly.
Hi, looks like you will be catching up with me. No chemo next week due to central line op so schedule pushed out! Hope it goes well, I think the anticipation is worse that the actual chemo, you get so many options of anti-sickness is much more tolerable than it used to be! Good Luck. Tinaxxx
Hi Ladies,
Just wanted to pop in and wish you all the very best for your chemo. I had 3 x FEC and 3 x TAX and finished in January. I too was scared especially about losing my hair and the sickness, I had a phobia about vomiting. I can honestly say the nausea wasn’t that bad but make sure you take all the antisickness tablets. My hair went 12 days into my first FEC and I had my wig ready as I couldn’t do bald.
If you keep together on this post and support each other you will find it really helpful. The ladies on 1st chemo tomorrow which I was part of were absolutely fantastic. We laughed and cried and moaned and shared our SE’s, it really helped us all.
You will be absolutely amazed at how quick your chemo will go once you start. It really flies by and will soon be over. I am now just finished rads and on Tamoxifen. Next month I will be a year on from my dx. Can’t believe it. Hopefully I can get back to some sort of normality!!!
Keep smiling,
Love to you all,
Jane xx
Hi all, just thought I would update and maybe get some advice… I was so tierd last night I couldn’t keep my eyes open at all so went to bed at 8.30pm! I slept like a baby until 5am when I suddenly woke up and felt sick and moments later projected vomit (sorry for the description) everywhere - there was so much!! I had drunk around 4 litres of water over the previous two days but can’t believe I vomited so hard and so much -as I only had a small evening meal. However I went straight back to sleep and got up at around 7.30am feeling sick but really hungry…? I have just had a slice of toast and some herbal tea (can’t face milk) and my anti sickness tablets. I intent to sit quiet today and try and get my stomach back on track. Yuk I hope this isn’t what its going to be like for the next 6 weeks.
How awful for you! What anti sickness tabs have you been given? I think it’s very unlikely this will continue for much longer. However, you need to keep an eye on it as easy to become dehydrated. Also, is there any poss you’ve picked up a bug?
I’ve done my temperature and i’m ok but will keep an eye on it just in case it is a tummy bug and will be really careful today.
My anti sickness tablets are ondansetron and domperidone, only to take ondansetron for two days though. The nurse did say that if these tablets did not suit me I should get my GP to prescribe something different.
Hi everyone just thought I would update. I have had no more sickness at all. So far so good no other side effects. I am however ‘feeling’ the cold a lot more - its been a nice couple of days but I have been chilly and having to wear a fleece which is so so unlike me - I am always the one who is hot! Not sure if its the effects of the chemo?
Still on steriods so feeling good generally. they finish tomorrow so be interested what I feel like then. Also I start my ‘blood count’ injections tomorrow and no doubt different side effects will kick in.
Hi Saffronseen
So sorry you were soooo sick, hopefully they will sort your tablets out.
Good luck with the injections, becoming quite a pro!
As for the feeling cold, well as you know, No chemo YET for me, but in all this lovely sunny weather, l have still been feeling quite chilly, l do wonder if its because we are not quite on top of the world, at the moment, l know sometimes when l feel under the weather, l often feel a bit cold. Lovely when you are in the direct sunlight, but out of it brrrrrrrr
Sandra xxx
Hi Sandra glad you havent had too many SE’s so far! I start my first chemo on thursday so have been watching your threads with interest! Any tips always welcome.
Hi Tors how did yor trip around go on Friday wish I had asked to see around unit so I that I would know what to expect on Thursday!
Everyone take care Sarah x
Hello all,
Had 2nd chemo on wednesday,still feeling sicky,which is what I expected because of last time.Nurse said this will prob be a pattern for me.Also keep coughing up phlegm-yuk,but hospital said just to keep an eye on it.Saffronseed,glad your feeling better now.
I have been very lazy for last few days,just lying on sofa,and the odd hour sitting in the garden.Thank goodness for my family ,who have been rallying round looking after my 2 little girls.