First Chemo session tomorrow eeek!


Thanks so much for all your previous postings to my message “just been diagnosed when do the tears stop?”. Your messages of support overwhelmed me and have found this site such a tonic.

I received a call yesterday from the hospital saying that my first chemo session will be tomorrow at 8.30am!

Had my pre chemo chat today which was helpful and I am remaining positive. I’m starting on FEC T tomorrow and using the cold cap (I looked like Frankie Dettori pre season!)

Any tips to get through this?

Hi TT,

So are you having chemo prior to op? I am too. I started my chemo in June and had my last one 6 days ago. My advice would be to be kind to yourself, take things easy for the first week and keep a diary of side effects if you get any as they will be similar each time so you’ll know what to expect (like which evenings you’ll be up for a pizza with friends etc). Also, if you do have any side effects, mention them to your nurse or oncologist as there will be drugs to combat them! Their aim is to keep us side effect free.

Oh, and take the drugs they give you diligently! You will be sent home with a goody bag of tablets!!

It might seem all a bit soon, but it’s less scary once you start and one closer to the finish!!

Hope it all goes well tomorrow.


I recommend drinking lots of water, and taking something to occupy you while you are waiting, there is only so much daytime TV a person can cope with.

Just listen to your body, I found that the first week I was just really tired, so slept most of the time, my mum said I was like a baby, only woke up for feeding. The 2nd and 3rd weeks my energy levels picked up and I was able to go into work. If I wanted to go away I used to plan it for the weekend before my chemo session when I was at my best.

As Sandytoes says, if you have any side effects, such as heartburn then raise it with your team as they can give you something for it, don’t suffer in silence.

Hope it goes OK for you

MY top tips are to take ginger tablets as well s the ones they give you, and start taking them a couple of days before chemo… AND to be diligent with the mouth care advice. Brushing teeth 4 times a day wears out baby toothbrushes, so I treated myself to a new one every treatment… hope all goes well, and don’t be afraid to phone the unit or your breast care nurse in between sessions if there is ANYTHING you’re not sure of. There’s no such thing as a silly question. Sometimes I rang the BCN and said “I think I have x” adn she said “describe how that feels again”… and then said “no, you’ve got y, and you need a prescription for abc” Then I’d phone the surgery, speak to the practice nurse and she’d prescribe it for me! Worked a treat… Good luck… Jane

Thank you all. Great advice and I shall let you know how it goes. I think tomorrow is when it will start to hit me as I’m doing ok…well I did have a wobble today in M&S trying on hats. One minute I looked like Frank Spencer the other Thora Hurd…didn’t go well! Take care xx

Hey twinkletwinkle, hope it goes well, got my first trip on the 29th and kind of nervous too. Loving the tips Jane. Simone xxx

Chemo was ok. The cold cap was…err COLD! Side effects haven’t been as bad as I thought although someone decided to take a blow torch to the inside of my throat in the night! I’ve been back to work and trying to keep some normality to get me through. Also had my long hair cut a lot shorter and I actually like it. x

Hi, I was told yesterday that I will be having chemo, and I have terrified myself by reading one thread so I am really relieved to read this. Please let me know how it goes, and all the best.

I had bilateral mastectomy last week and are going back to hospital next week to find out my “plan”. I will be having chemo in a few weeks I think. Reading all these tips and the support is lovely! Many thanks all for being positiv. I am worried about it all but feel better after reading on this site!!!
Glad you didn’t feel so bad efter your first, twinkletwinkle!