first chemo

Just started my first chemo for breast cancer and am feeling really down, does it last? although the good news is not been sick but feel sick, anyone with ideas on how to get through this?

Hi Oscar

Sorry to feel your feeling really down but that is so so natural. this bc lark is a roller coaster ride for sure with many ups and downs. It might be hard to believe right now but there is ups!!

I too felt sick after my first chemo (AC) - but now wander if a lot of that was anxiety and I was ok with other 5. There are many tips to go along with chemo and there was a thread earlier today I read on ‘top tips to get thro chemo’ or something like that - very worth a read as its very comprehensive.

In this day and age you should not really feel sick or be sick so please talk to your team at the hospital next time if its bad. Just take all the meds you need.

Please feel free to ask any questions. I was dx in July, had 6x chemo and had mastectomy last week. At the stage your are at, you think there is never going to be light at the end of the tunnel but as they say - chemo is dooable - and you will get thro this.

This is such a supportive site and if you have any questions at all - either phone up the helpline or ask online - the others on here hold such a wealth of information and it has certainly helped me.

When were you dx, what grade etc - if you dont mind me asking?

wishing you all the very best
you will get thro this
Sending hugs and anti nausea thoughts

Thank you for your tips, it is really nice to speak to someone who has gone though it to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I was dx in October so still a fair way to go, guess the next big issue will be the hair loss, but I have the wig at the ready. Hope you are Ok after your mastectomy,
Thanks again for your support


Once again - people write loads on here about the hair loss. It was a huge big thing for me (as it is for most), but once I started to shed it, I clippered it down to a number 1 - yes the tears were rolling down my face the whole time, but at the same time it was taking control of something . Under these circumstances, there is little we can take control of, so it is strangely liberating too - and much less upsetting than getting huge handfuls all the time! I too had a wig at the ready - but have never used it - instead I have mostly worn buffs (google that name), and with it being winter - beanies - accessorise have a great range. Also wore bandanas at the beginning but tied them so tight to feel secure that I got headaches!! My very best friend is getting married in 9 weeks time and I dont think my hair will be long enough to do anything with so think my wiggy will get christened then - and that will probably be the one and only time I will wear it!

How is the nausea now?


Hi Christine,
I just had my second chemo FEC on Wednesday so still learning how to cope with it. I think drinking lot of water or any liquids helps with the nausea. Also, although the last thing you feel like doing is eating when you feel sick - it does seem to make you feel better. I try to eat lots of little things. Smoothies are great. I can’t get enough mashed potato. Some people seem to eat alot of dry biscuits. Go for whatever you fancy. I find I am fancying different things this time than the last.

It’s so very cold but five or ten minutes of fresh air can help as well.

Good luck,
Love Lorna X

Hi Lorna and Fiona

Thanks for your advice, I have felt much better today and have had a really good day, the hair still seems to be an issue but I guess it will be alright, I will just cut it off short as soon as it falls out, I think that is pretty good advice, and wear different hats.

Its been great to eat something today without feeling sick and I have found my tastebuds like savoury food, not quite yet into mashed potato but have given smothies a go! Red cabbage seems to work for me along with tomato soup and cheese!

I hope you are getting on ok with the second chemo Lorna.

Well Christmas is just around the corner and I am just begining to into the spirit of it, so I wish you both a very Happy Christmas




Glad your feeling better today. Hope you have a great xmas


Hi Christine

I’ve had two chemo sessions and I have to say you learn so much as you go along about what suits you.I didn’t find the anti nausea meds really helped me at all but what did was keeping my stomach full so i forced myself to eat every 3 hours - apples, dry toast, ginger biscuits, raw carrots, cheese sandwich, in fact anything my stomach would say yes to as it said a massive “No!!” to most things. So try to come up with suggestions your tummy says ‘ok’ to and even though you have no appetite, just keep eating. I think the food soaks up the drugs in your stomach. It might not work but it really worked for me. Then gradually day by day things just start to improve and you fancy more and more things and feel less and less sick. Feeling sick is just so bloody deblitating though isn’t it, it’s a horrendous feeling. I agree also with the previous lady who said shaving off the hair was preferable… i was so traumatised at seeing my hair fall out that i also shaved mine off. then i covered it up with a buff and kept my bald head warm and now i just try to forget that i don’t have hair. once you’ve faced losing your hair, and it’s gone, it’s easier than the stress of either waiting for it to fall, or experiencing it coming out. Good luck, here’s to your days getting much easier all the time. Carrie x

Hi Carrie

Thanks for that, I am quite well at the moment, although I was called back to the hospital after I had my blood checked on Friday and needed antibiotic’s as the count was very low so hopefully I am on the up ready for the next dose on the 9th! As yet my hair hasn’t fallen out but it is traumatic waiting to see what it will do, so if its still there next week its the cold cap again if its not then its time for it to go.

Hope you are OK and are recovering after your second chemo.

Hi Carrie

Mucked that up didnt I, sorry about that pressed the wrong button, Computer lessons are needed!

Didnt say bye! wishing you a Happy New Year



You’ll soon feel a bit better, so hang in there. I craved dry toast and crisp breads this time but my last chemo session I couldn;t eat anything but fruit - werid! I still have an awful taste in my mouth, but last time it went after a week. I hope you all get through it - remember, you’re all not alone!

all the best