Hi ladies
I’ve been home a few hours since first chemo but have been catching up with mum and daughter!
I’m feeling fine at the moment and just need to wait and see how I feel later! Just bit tired with it all and mentally taste in mouth.
I was so anxious this morning as it was the unknown feeling but my treatment was a lot easier to handle than I thought. Had EC and 2 anti sickness drugs put through the line along with Amend which is a 3 day course. Have been given 2 more days of tablets and then a box of stand buys.
I was given a heat pad for my hand to warm up as helps the Cannula and a little tingly needle and in. I was all tensed up at first but let go after a while. My nerves decided to have a break, so we did too and I moved my wrist about and it got going to work again. The E was red so my first wee was a lovely pink colour! The E is the one which makes the hair loss but it is actually our allie as it’s killing off any unwanted inhabitants in our body!
Make sure if you have had surgery on one side that they use the other side. That goes with blood tests too!
I didn’t have any reaction to Amend or treatment there but as normal I’m waiting to see what side effects at home!
I had lunch there too…so need to have lunch appointments each time:)
I was sat on a chair in a room and we were all chatting. The time goes faster but you can choose to go in a room if not feeling sociable.
I have a metally taste in my mouth now so the ginger drops, pear drops, midget gems, mints have come in handy!
I’m also drinking loads of water to flush out so on the loo a lot too!
Be sure to buy a digital ear thermometer from large Tescos as we need to take temp twice a day!
Manuka honey, frozen pineapple chunks, mouth spray, Mouthwash, satin night cap to protect the hair follicles, dark nail polish to stop lighting getting to nail bed.
My GP has prescribed me 2 large jars of Diprobase Cream and two Diprobase ointments to protect my Skin. This is also good for wound healing. I bought some Aveeno but if you can get Dipro or E45 from GP go for it as we have 5 years of free prescriptions! Might as Well!!!
My real hair wig is being coloured and styled at the moment and hats have arrived. Sponsors are coming in. Not using cold cap as want to be in control and didn’t fancy another 3 hours freezing my scalp but each to their own and to the ones who do choose it, I hope it works for you.
I hope you don’t mind my long posts but if I can help other ladies be more organised and prepared, that means being in control which is good thing!
One done…5 more to go!!!
I did get to see the hunky security guard again today:D
Lots of love to you ladies and hope you get good results and treatments.