first epi and I feel great

Got my first epi 4 hours ago and I feel great no sickness yet so ye ha heres hoping iam one of the lucky ones and they got my anit sickness right first time or am I jst being niave

well done joanne

stil make sure you take whatever medicine they gave you

hope you continue feeling great
love FizBix xx

congratulations, one down and dusted, done like a pro. Keep taking the tablets without fail, they are doing things, bit of an insurance policy. I started to feel tired on day 4 but did not get any sickness throughout. The first 2 days after chemo were good for me, then came the sleeping ‘beauty’ (LOL) bit and boy did I sleep but it passed the time nicely. It will chug round different bits for a little while but I hope too you stay lucky. You know where we are
Lily x

Hi Joanne & all
hope your still feeling ok? i had my first treatment 8 days ago and I havnt felt this good for a long time! I have been told that the first reaction is likly to be almost the same all the way through, although I think the side effects are more apparent at a later stage. Whatever happens I will be grateful for these days since the treatment, as I have energy I havnt had for a while. At least it wasnt the horror story I had concoted in the back of my brain, well at least what seem’s to be left of my brain! I forget the sillist things and cant send an email without spellcheck! I am still looking for something I ‘put away safely’ last week! Anyone else felt their brains a bit ‘fuzzy’?
Well hope you are all ok & enjoying the floods!
Take care

well second day and although head feels slightly fuzzy iam great taking the pils as instructed so thats fine heres hoping it last


Hi all,

Isn’t it weird that it affects us all differently!

I have finished the epi and i was glad because the steroids interrupted sleep but like Joanne i felt a bit fuzzy/rubbish for 2 days and then picked up after a few days. I know lots of people feel yuck for a while… i was lucky. hair loss happened …except for my blooming legs!!

i’m now on stage 2…tact 2 trial arm 3 so i am takign xeloda and for me it seems easier.

best of everyting to you all

Jennifer x

iam on tact 2 arm 2 so iam on epi but iam sleeping like a log slept worse before it i feel like i did before i was diagnosed think they gave me wrong thing lol Keep expecting someone to jump up and say surprise surprise were only kidding.

my first epi made me sleep for England. Had it on 20 May and still sleeping more than in my whole life but at a more sensible level now. I think it is probably luckier than being unable to sleep as we just snooze through those days. How is your head. I had a couple of days when I felt I was in a really thick bubble and got a bit miserable, but not an actual headache think that epi was playing with my head and that was my worst 2 days, but still totally do-able.
Keep well everyone
Lily x

Ye very slight fuzzy but if i on the go I dont notice it bit more tired today so nothing to energetic stopped taking anti sickness yesterday as I dont need them never felt sick once through this its been great lets hope there all like this


Hi Joanne
I’m due to start epi in July and you have made me feel a whole lot better about it. I am dreading it, but if I cope the same as you are I will be happy.

Hi All: Had my first epi on 27 May and wonders - no problems! The steriods disrupted my sleep a bit - not that much - but no sickness, no nausea. Got a throat infection on the Thursday so had to have antibiotis which finish today. Only thing with those make my mouth feel like it is lined with fur! Nice!! Have given up the booze for a while to give the liver a fighting chance so have lost four pounds since last week. Have been to work since the day after epi - but then I do have a doddle of a job working with five blokes in a construction company, high pressure it aint’ but at my age (60) it suits me. Even got the constipation sorted - somewhat too well actually - the combination of All Bran, dried cranberries and prunes solved that!

Am now into my low immune days so am avoiding shops, crowds, etc and the OH will be doing the Sainsbury thing tomorrow with very detailed list.

Can’t really believe it is all going to go like this but will make the most of this and hope for the best.

Went to see the wigmakers last week and had a change of look from bubbly blonde to dramtic Raquel Welch auburn - might as well have some fun! Wig arrived yesterday and have had my own hair coloured and cut similalry so that shock won’t be so great when it all falls out. The guys in the office think I should have gone for the Dolly Parton look and are threatening to buy one for me.

Laugh while you can, it may be horrible next week.

Love to all - keep well


Ok this week hasnt been that great tired a lot but just as my mouth was starting to feel better what happens i go and get the bl===dy cold now i cant taste anything have been told there slight prob with my liver due to chemo but nothing to worry about my count is still up 12.1Hb and 6,.9nwcc so there still high thank god


Hi everyone, nice to hear from you all.
Joanne, really sorry to hear you have a rotten cold now. I couldn’t see my lovely little Grandson for a wek as he had a cold just as I hit my low immune part. The slime mouth is horrid isn’t it, that I am not looking forward to. Get dose 2 of epi on Tuesday if blood counts ok. I am really curious to see what they are this time, had a tummy bug so it has not all gone to plan, but on the whole pretty good overall.
Did I tell you I am on TACT 2 arm one - the long long long one. Right now I cannot even think about going 2 weeks in a row for CMF ? Although I have read a few postings that it is better thann epi? Guess we will find out in time
Take care everyone
Lily x

hi lily

Iam on tact2 arm 1 too so looks like were together in this one. Lying here just wondering when my hair is about to fall out as its now day 10 although i dont want it to go i wish it would just ha[[en so i can move on does that make sense

Joanne x

Hi everyone hope you are ok today.
Joanne,Well it is nice to have some good company if you really have to be here. Remind me when your next one is so I can work out how far apart we are. My 2nd epi is Tuesday 10 June.Anyone else in a similar timeframe or on the TACT trial with us?
Dose 2 tomorrow and my hair is gently falling but you cannot really notice overall. Really struggling not to keep testing it. Kids tell me off every time I show them little clumps of hair. By the way which arm are you on? You told me arm one here but 2 above, you chemo brain!!! I went to see sex and the city today and nearly got caught out at the end. Samantha has her 50th birthday and they mention her chemo, gulp, and she is better and has hair. Joanne I know this is close to your dates so be prepared at the end if you go to see it. Ate a big tub of cookie ice cream and had polished it off before the film even started!
I have to get up at 8 am tomorrow to put my numbing cream on as I have a 9am booking in the chemo suite. I think they put me early because I was the last to leave last time so they couldn’t go home. Shame.
Take care
Lily x

Iam on arm one of tact 2 and get second epi 18th june do you notice though magazines programs etc there always someone with cancer. It like when you buy a car all of a sudden everyones got one lol


opps meant same make and model of car not the fact that they got a car hahahahahaha

how is the hair situation today? So we are both on arm one - yawn yawn, the long country road but really good for lots of fun and eating in between doses. You must be just entering the fab stage for eating and going out, make the most of it! Have you seen your onc at all? I have not seen mine since he set up the treatment but apparently he will call me in before I switch to CMF for the second half. Have you heard anything about having CMF two weeks running? It sounds a bit yuk to me as I would struggle to make it on epi and really miss the good weeks. Other ladies on here have said that the CMF is easier than the epi?
Enjoy your week
Lily x

Ive heard that CMF is easier but worries me a bit getting it 2 weeks in a row but like everything else worry about it when it happens the hair is still there but coming out gradually but still not brave enough to go for a number1 yet but time will tell wore a hat today and got some strange lookss I thought I looked pretty cool. We were at the beach yesterday when it first came out sitting in my car and he saw i was upset he leaned over gave me a kiss and said and I quote " I know is really upsetting but just want to say THANK GOD ITS NOT MY CAR " I could have belted him but it certainly cheered me up but got revenge when I left his this morning ran my fingers through my hair got nice big handful and spread it all over his bed can’t wait to hear what he has to say tomorrow LOL


I like a joke and practical pranks myself, good for you!! He sounds like a good person to keep your feet on the floor through all of this and make you laugh. Are you using the cold cap, I cannot remember? Epi is a real hair destroyer but I was told sometimes the cold cap can work with it, so giving it a go. A bit worried it will all be stuck to the helmet tomorrow when they take it off, so taking a cotton hat just in case.
I am up trying to get really tired or I will just wake all through the night thinking about tomorrow. Wish I could jump through the doses and be nearer the end! Wouldn’t we all.
Take care
Lily x