First FEC 2nd October

I have had a WLE and re-excision and am now starting FEC on 2nd October - can anyone tell me what it’s like? I know it’s different for everyone …
Also is anyone else starting chemo around the same time? I feel very isolated. I live with my 9 year old daughter and she knows that my hair is going to fall out.
Would anyone advise having my hair cut short after the first chemo?

Hi Irina - Have just had my 4th out of 6 FEC and feel I have been remarkably lucky in that it has all gone so well so far. Pattern with me has been - fine day of chemo and the next day - then for a couple of days feel absolutely wiped out but that is all - oh and constipated - but that was just the first time as I asked for stool softeners the next time - what a lovely term but it works! I also had a problem with sleeping so this last time asked for sleeping tabs and that helped greatly. I tcertainly is doable as folks on here told me when I was worrying about it all - this site is absolutely brilliant for help advice encouragement - you name it. My best advice was to drink loads of water the day before and day of chemo. The worst thing felt by us all is the feeling of dread of the unknown ! There is an excellent thread - top tips for chemo that I will bump up for you!

As to the hair - mine started to go on on 14th day and so I had it cut very short then when it was really on the way out I had head shaved - decided not to bother with wigs and have loads of hats - people keep commenting how good I look these days.

Good luck with it all - will be thinking of you on 2nd - let us know how it goes!

Lots of love and good vibes xxxxx

Thanks so much for letting me know that your experience hasn’t been so bad, where is a good place to buy hats and scarves? Did you ask at the hospital or your GP for sleeping tablets?
Irina xx

Hi Irina

I have had one FEC and my second is tomorrow. I felt and was very sick for the first three days, and after that it got better and better, in fact so good that I went to work on week 3.

Have you considered the cold cap, there is a chance that you hair could be saved.

Good luck


Hi Irina,

I had WLE+SLNB then re-excision and on the 2nd will be having FEC number 3. The first dose I suffered virtually no side effects and worked as normal throughout. My hair started coming out on day 14 but I wore a wide hairband and put my hair in a ponytail and managed to get away with it for the next week. On the day of my 2nd chemo I washed my hair and virtually all of it came out. That weekend my husband and daughter (she’s 11) got rid of the rest of it with clippers. I’m quite happy wearing buffs and hats but my Mum took me shopping last week and we just happened to go past the wig shop. I was loathe to fork out the £59.20 prescription charge so I was quite sceptical but having tried on about a dozen different styles and colours I was amazed how good they looked and ended up walking out with new hair!! My grandparents, bless 'em, have since given me £60 and there was another wig I liked that was £75, so I may go back and get another!!

I’ve suffered a bit more with FEC number 2 in that I reacted to the steroids and had terrible indigestion and nausea as a result, but they’re going to give me omeprazole to take to sort that out next time. This week (mid-cycle) I’m feeling a bit dizzy but otherwise back to normal. My oncologist said after my side-effect free first does that that would be my pattern for the rest of it…but it seems it can be different between doses too.

I was quite scared at the start…fear of the unknown (even though my Mum went through the same last year…), but I found just getting on with things took my mind off it and stopped me wondering if I was beginning to feel sick or not. I’ll be thinking of you on the 2nd…my appointment is at 9.30 (because I moaned about having to sit around all morning waiting for the afternoon appointments). The chemo nurses seem to universally be lovely people…just talk to them about any worries you have, and of course come here and there’ll always be someone…

Love 'n hugs 'n best wishes for the 2nd,

Hi Irina,

After seeing my onc yesterday it looks like I’m also starting 6xFEC on 7 Oct, so we can be buddies if you like :slight_smile:

I’m pretty apprehensive about it as i’m sure i’m going to react badly. My body is not one to tolerate extremes of anything really so I don’t think I’m going to be one of those who sail through it with no side effects. Having said that I’m trying hard to keep positive, but it’s not so easy I’m only just healing after the mx almost 4 weeks ago.

I have a 9 yr old daughter too, and a 13 yr old son plus hubbie who works away during the week. My children know my hair is going to go. I’ve a meeting with the chemo nurses tomorrow and apparently they will tell me about getting a wig (you get one free on the NHS apparently!!) and other such things. I’ve already looked up and they look quite trendy and comfy. I’m not going to bother with a cold cap but have you been offered/considered this? I’ve also not decided whether to get my hair cut or not. It’s about 3 inches long, so have yet to decide what to do…

You say you feel very isolated. Do you mean lonely or because of where you live perhaps? I live very rurally, in the house on my own with 2 children at night is not fantastic. I have friends within 2 miles I could call if I needed them but I’m basically on my own during the week having been signed off work for at least 3 months.

Do you have any friends or family near you to help you out?

Talk soon,

Love Bella x

Hi all

I have my first FEC tomorrow, so I’ll be about a week in front of you Irina. I’ll let you know how I get on if you like


Hi Irina

I had lymph nodes removed in Aug - found a lump under my arm in March but after tests the doc said 95% certain nothing to worry about - I have two young kids (5 and 2) so wanted 100% certainty so insisted the lump was removed. How glad am I - they removed 10 lymph nodes 9 of which were cancerous!

Has been a horrible few weeks as I am sure you will appreciate! I am having FEC DOC (not sure about what all these terms mean!) I start a couple of days before you on the 30th and I am terrified of the unknown and wondering how I am gonna manage the kids. I am really lucky that I have an amazing husband but he works 12 hour shifts so I am gonna need all the help I can beg steal or borrow.

I have already had my hair cut short - people keep commenting on how nice it looks! I have told my 5 year old daughter that I am gonna lose my hair and she wants me to get two wigs so she can wear one! I have also ordered some head scarfs to wear and I got a pink sparkly one for her - she looks much better than I do in mine.

I have just had a tearful moment as I wrote the letter to cancel our family holiday to disneyland which was planned for Jan. Doc said I can’t go as will prob be on last round of chemo. I am gutted but I am deterimined that as soon as I am better we will take the kids to Euro disney to celebrate!

I don’t know any younger women who have had breast cancer so felt a bit better reading some of the forums to realise I am not the only one going through this.

Good luck for the 2nd


Good luck Pam - drink loads of water and get summat like stool softeners - aslo check out top tips for chemo - I’ve had 4/6 - sounds like a primary school spelling test result!

All the best to all on here
Love and good vibes


I told you I’d let you know how my first fec reatment went on Thursday. I was really stressed up about it, but there was no need at all. I had no side affects at the time, and have none so far…watch this space and good luck x


I start FEC on Thursday 2 October - looking for buddies so we can get through this together. PM me if you want to chat. All the best, everyone.

Cat xx

I’ll keep you company Cat

Pam x x

I’ve also replied on your RM thread Cat, I’m still starting FEC on 7 Oct so will also keep you company along with Pam.

Bella x


I had 6 x FEC back in 2006 and coped pretty well throughout. Everyone is different so you won’t know until you start.

My advice is that the calmer you are, the better you feel after…I was in a right state for the first one and that was the only time I felt sick…but wasn’t actually sick. After the initial treatment I didn’t feel sick at all and didn’t even need the anti sickness tablets. The one side effect I got was extreme tiredness, especially on the first few days after treatment…so the first week I would feel wiped out…second week a bit perkier…third week pretty well back to normal. Ready for the next blast!!

Good luck ladies…you will all be fine, any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

Sheana x

Dont think I may be the best one to talk as I have not had any treatment with chemo yet in fact surgery for me on 2 Oct - bilateral mastectomy. But from what I can gather, plenty of water to drink, lots of fresh air and a walk after treatment, rather than going to bed and waiting for it to happen. I know a couple of people who did the cold cap and their view is that if they were to undergo treatment again they would not go for that as the hair thins on top anyway, as well as being unpleasant. Good luck Irena thinking about you.

Hi there

Well it’s Tuesday evening 5 days after my first FEC treatment. I’m fine really, slightly naueas but not actually sick, I do keep burping though. I’m back at work (office job) and today I was extremely tired and left earlier than usual. However fresh air perked me up and now I’m fine again.

Good luck for the 2nd
Pam x

Well done Pam, glad you’re not feeling too bad. I admire you greatly for carrying on working - I’ve been signed off for 3 months for various reasons and am enjoying the time off (when I’m well) hugely. I’ve no idea how I’ll cope when i go back!


I too seemed to have the burping thing after my first FEC but for number 3 (tomorrow) I’m having omeprazole added to my list of drugs to take home because the steroids gave me terrible indigestion (which in turn made me nauseous) after chemo number 2. I’m hoping this will help with the burping as well, although people seem to have got used to me doing it now…


I start mine on 16 of this month, so finding this all very interesting. reading your comments is making me a little less panicky at least.

Out of interest what anti sickness drug have you all been given/

I think this discussion forum is great - we can learn so much from each other as well as receiving support. I start FEC tomorrow.