First FEC 2nd October

Thanks for the info Pheebster - best to go in open eyed so to speak. I am having CT because so many lymph nodes were involved in my disease so its got to be experienced anyway. Not to worry.

Hope your tummy recovers soon!

best wishes

Tanya :slight_smile:

Tanya - did you have a CT scan before surgery? I had one before but haven’t been asked to have one since. I had lymph nodes involved, too.


Hi girls, Cat, Tanya, Bella, Lorna, Cazz and everybody else
It seems that the mood is a bir more cheerful today on the forum, is everybody getting better? I had a CT and MRI scans before the surgery - MRI is much worse and claustrophobic though - but nothing else since.
I seem to be the only one without sickness - I’ve been eating lots of lovely food mum cooks for me. Heartbeat still bothering, but getting used to it. Today feeling so much better that ventured outside for the first time since the chemo! Went for a haircut - if i’m not losing hair, it might as well look good, and if i am - then at least it’s short. And driving to pick my son up from school for the first time this year, so thrilled!
Get well everybody, how’s everybody doing with hair/scalp?
Take care

My scalp is tender, sore, and itchy. I have my OH checking it regularly to see if it’s red; it’s like being checked for headlice the way he does it. I’m not feeling sick any longer but am suddenly very tired, maybe overdid all the usual dashing around and chores this morning because I had to have a sit down when I was shopping this arvo.

Good on you, Tato, getting yourself a lovely new haircut! I got some wigs in the mail from Wigbank this morning, they were a bit scary. I think one of them will be OK when it’s been groomed and tidied up, but the others made me look like a cavewoman so figure I’d rather be a baldie with a combover than wear them.

Hi Cat, Bella, Tato and everyone,

The cavewomen wig bit made me laugh :o) still waiting on mine to arrive from USA… but only day 3 anyway so got time… also made a bid on a real hair one on ebay £0.58 and WON! (shipping was £12 tho) coming from China… so keep imagining some old chinese woman walking alround bald having donated her hair!

Lorna :o)

Lorna, you haven’t seen the photos we shot today - did a couple for my friends to make them laugh. I believe some of them had to visit the loo, they were laughing so hard!

I also had my hair cut today ready for next week. Bit sad to be honest, but really not important in the whole scheme of things!

BCN told me my short bob would be ‘perfect’ for cold cap but Onc said the ‘shorter the better’…so who the bloody hell do you believe. It’s like no two people sing from the same hymn sheet…so confusing. Anyway, I had a ‘Posh’ crop and it looks fine…even left it to dry naturally so I could get used to the new look.

Wig shopping at Lakeside tomorrow night with my bezzy mate (hairdresser) which should be a laugh. Not going to buy just yet (still in denial of hair loss [ha ha]) but look for something that would be suitable should the inevitable happen, and I can then make a mad dash back to the shop and grab it if needed.

Son has kindly given me one of his doo rags (hair wrap used by black rappers) and I have bought the most foul black silk pillowcase that looks like it was stolen from the local brothel.

If someone had told me 3 months ago that this is how I would be spending my days I would have thought they were mad!!!

Hello Ladies,

I had the first FEC yesterday had to wait ages like you Bella so got myself wound up about it even more. It was ok in the end though. Today I felt like I had been out clubbing all night and had drank copious amounts of alcohol but feeling better now, must be all the meds.

CT scan tomorrow will get results when I go for next FEC ON 28th, that seems ages to wait. Also had my long hair cut into a shortish bobbed style on monday ready for the great fall out, I cant quite believe it will happen but have a date with the wig lady next week.

Its very reassuring to read all your comments and advice we all seem to be so similar, best wishes and good luck to all

Hi everyone
i have been reading all the comments i start my chemo 17th oct i was fear the worst but reading what yous have put has put my mind at rest. Yous are saying you are having scans i had none and have node involvment may be i should ask about that’ Hope you all keep up been as cheerful and i hope when i have mine i can

Hi Poppet - you’re up late (or early)! Good luck for your chemo on the 17th - you’ll cope and be OK, I’m sure. I think it’s partly to do with a state of mind: believe you’ll be alright and you will.

hi ladies , good luck with your chemo will be thinking of you xxx

Hi Wendy - how are you doing? Another one who can’t sleep?

Hi Poppet…there is another thread on here titled chemo on 16th October (or something like that)

There are 3 of us starting within two days of each other so come over and we can ride the storm together…


Hi everyone,

Day 3, feeling wiped out and nauseous despite marvellous drugs. Does anyone know how long this will go on for as I feel compeletely pants today!

Hi Ray, glad you’re OK at the moment and hope you continue to be.

Good vibes to everyone else…

Bella x

Hi Bella,
I had mine on Monday … so day 3 or 4 ? last day of the steroids… I too still feel “weird” and nauseous… but am planning on getting up and out today… into town and a lecture at Uni.
My Sister had Chemo (but not FEC) 14 years ago and she told me she always felt flu like on day 3… I didn’t just a 3 day hangover I can’t shake.

Hope you feel better soon.

Lorna x

Morning ladies, welcome to new starters, hope everybody else is a bit less sick.
Bella, day 3 was my worst day - not sick though but heart trouble, it went uphill since then…
Wendy, great to see you here
Cat, how’s scalp? Getting ready for Reading? I think i’ll give it a miss, especially my lovely friends are coming to see me this weekend:)

My heart is still pounding like I’ve run a mile, a bit of back pain, which disappeared after my acupunture treatment yesterday (not needles, but using moxa sticks). Still thinking about the wigs, found a nice red once on the net, a bit longish for me, maybe i’ll have my hairdresser to cut it for me. So my hair is still there, with no signs of falling yet. Used Lush coconut soap - worked wonders for my dry scalp.
What kind of toothpaste are you using girls? My gums are bothering me already…
I’ll go and make an effort to work a bit, take care all of you, hugs

Hi everyone

Tato, my scalp is still tender and my heart’s racing like I’ve run a Marathon (not that I’ve ever done that far, but imagine that’s what it’s like). I just ordered a wig, a class bob in black, so will look pretty much the same as I always do when it arrives. Post a link to the red wig you fancy!

I use Kingfisher fennel toothpaste, it’s organic and gentle and seems to be working. I also have a kiddie toothbrush which is nice and soft, but my gums are starting to feel tender, too. Anyone else experiencing this apart from me and Tato?

Hi there

Thanks for preparing me for the CT Pheebster - I didn’t get one prior to surgery - think that down here they do it after (or not). I’m feeling washed out today and think my feet are a bit dry and gums getting sore too. Had a really short hair cut yesterday as on high dose epirubicin without the cold cap so expecting hair to go pretty quickly. Just feeling washed out and still nauseated at times. Never mind - all in a good cause!

Best wishes to everyone

Tanya x

Tanya…can I ask why you not trying cold cap? Were you advised against it? (Just interested…no other reason)

Hi Everyone.

I am starting 6 x FEC on Tuesday 14th and go for pre Chemo appointment tomorrow so have read your comments with interest. Feel a bit muddled as to what to expect and what I need to do in prep for this Exciting Experience!!! Hopefully more will be revealed tomorrow.

Best Wishes