First Mammogram after treatment

Hi…having my first mammogram today one year after diagnosis and thought I was ok about it until now. Ive started to feel very nervous. Does anyone else agree that anyone who has had breast cancer and has to have regular mammograms that the results are given on the day rather than having to wait for up to two weeks for the results? They can give you the results on the day when you are first examined so why should it be different for future tests. I havent got an appointment to see my

Ooops…hit the return button by mistake!

Meant to say not seeing my Oncologist until January and feel a bit like I have been dismissed.

I agree about the mammo result - I was told I would receive a letter in a couple of weeks (still waiting). And the worst thing about all this is the blo**y waiting! I find that I get very anxious coming up to any hospital appts now. If you are unhappy about waiting for your next appt, phone and get the appt brought forward, I have done this a couple of times when I’ve been particularly concerned about something and there has been no problem with changing the appt. When the active part of treatment finishes you do feel a bit out on your own, knowing you are still being monitored does help I think. Good luck and I hope all is ok. x

Been there, had the panic - have the solution!! Ring your BCN - she’ll have the result, so I got mine 2 days before the letter from the breast surgeon!!

I think it really varies - I had mine last week and was given the results on the spot. Incidentally - today I have started getting pain in the affected breast - about a week after the mammo - has anyone else found this? I’m not concerned as the mammo was clear, but would like to know if it is normal. Thanks - finty x

Yes I have pain - first one was last week and I was in tears with anxiety waiting the 4 hours or so to get the results but all clear - phew ! I think it’s natural to be anxious after we have been through so much - the thought of having to start other new treatment if the news hadn’t been good was overwhelming.

I got my results right away cause I am a private patient I can only imagine the anxiety of waiting for a letter - under the circumstances I do feel that results should be expidited to minimise the stress and associated impact on health.

Good luck - I’m sure it will be fine

LR xxx

Hi Paris,

Know exactly how you’re feeling,I had my first post-treatment mammo yesterday & now have to wait 2 weeks before I see my Oncologist for the results.
And yes, any visits to the Hospital brings it all flooding back.
Might be a good idea to phone your BCN as Broomsticklady suggested.

All the best,

Little H xx

Just been for my first mamo after treatment today. They said I’ll hear from the Doctor within the next two weeks, if there is anything showing up on it that worries him. Now I’ve got to get through the next two weeks without jumping every time the phone rings.

i had my first post chemo/surgery etc mammo done in Aug. I had to wait over 3 weeks for results. So i rang my Oncs Secretary who sent me a letter (all fine). Didnt think to ask my bcn.

I was totally on pins waiting, brought back a lot of memories being back at the hospital.

I think they should tell you on the spot. I had my first year mammogram at william harvey in ashford Kent lat november and they told me on the spot that all was fine as it was my first one.But I’ve got my second one coming up and will have to wait for a letter. The waiting is horrible and throws all the memories up…

When I had the first one after treatment I got a bit flustered and exited through the wrong door, ending up in another changing room where the next woman was waiting. Of course, because of the radiation I couldn’t go back into the mammo room again and I completely panicked - the other lady had to calm me down. She also told me she was 7 years on from diagnosis, so maybe I was supposed to meet her. I’m just waiting for an appointment for my third one to come in the post.

Hi All

Haven’t been on here for months as I was hoping that life was moving on, I got maried in September and up to last week I felt on top of the world. But just felt drawn back on here today.
I was diagnosed with DCIS a year ago and had lumpectomy and rad treatment. I have my first mammogram on the 6th December and I am already feeling scared to death about the results. everyone says that it will be okay and that I should be comforted by the thought that I will be checked and if anything is found it can be dealt with but somehow that still doesn’t help.
How do you get over the feelings of dread and panic in the lead up to the mammogram, how do you tell yourself that everything will be fine? I had gone from hardly thinking about BC to it being on my mind every day again. Does this ever leave us or do we just have to learn to live with it?
Mandeville x

I find it’s around most days, but I’m able to keep it in the background. I have my yearly mammo next week, but I’m not thinking too much about it - I’ll cross that bridge next Friday. For me it’s easier to take each day on its own merits and I count myself lucky that I do a job where no 2 days are really the same - it’s like diversion therapy really.

I had my 1st mammo a couple of weeks ago and when I entered the Breast Screening Unit every image of the previous years image came flooding back, as a rule I have a problem trying to remember what I did just a few hours prior!!! I had to wait for results but they arrived in the mail and NED - ‘no evidence of disease at the current time’. Phew…!!!

I personally do not think I will ever really stop thinking about bc until I reach that 5 year target and beyond. I’ve learnt to adapt to living with bc and it is no where anything near the all encompassing 24 hour a day worry it was a year ago when I was 1st diagnosed.

However I guess when things like yearly mammo’s, Onc visits, all be it less frequently, we are more than entitled to be a little bit ‘wobbled’ by the prospect of these appointments. If I didn’t get a bit anxious about it I think I would be wondering to myself why, complacency is not an emotion I will entertain where cancer is concerned - being told you have cancer is no easy thing to deal with but you do learn to adjust to living with it over time:)

Leigh x

Going for my first mammogram tomorrow after chemo and radiotherapy. Very, very nervous. Not told many people, can’t cope with the ‘I’m sure it will be fine’ senario. Feel like I want to cry. Can’t settle, just want tomorrow morning tobe over with…

Hi Glossy

I am going for my first mammogram on Friday after chemo and radiotheraphy. Like you I am very nervous and can’t wait until Friday is over.

I have told quite a few people and like you they all say you will be fin. I know I probably will be but can’t help thinking the worse.

Hope everything goes fine for you tomorrow, please let me know how you get on.

Love Anne xx

good luck for tomorrow glossy. will keep everything crossed for you on this scary day!!


Hi there Had my first mammogram 8.25 am this morning. Have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for the results as my consultant has to see them and they will notify me by letter…surely they can do better than that…

Waiting for 4-6 weeks I think is just not on! I would make a nuisance of yourself and be demanding a MUCH QUICKER response!

My appt for results after yearly mammo is usually 3-4 weeks after mammo. I tend to phone my bcn a week after mammo and she gives me the result!