First mammogram

Hi all,I had my first mammogram yesterday, 3Rd February 2016… My doctor put my name forward because of family history with my mother.
Today 24 hours later,I received a phone call from the hospital asking me to go back for more xrays next Monday 8th and to speak to a doctor at the clinic afterwards. Is this normally what happens or does it only happen if they see something that shouldn’t be there? I am sick with worry now. Any advice would be gratefull… Thanks in advance… Jackie xx

Hi EmpressUK, 

This can be a very anxious time and I am sure some users will be along to offer their support soon.

You may also want to post on a already existing thread called Referral by GP where a lot of support is already being shown by users and who may be able to answer some of your questions.

In the meantime if you would like to talk things through please do call our support line at 0808 800 6000 who will be able talk to you about seeing the doctor again and offer a friendly ear.

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Assistant 

Had breast scan today to confirm what was seen on my mammogram from last week. They took a biopsy and I have to go back in 2 days for the result!! Trying to remain calm and positive, but really I have been dreading something like this since I lost my mother to breast cancer back in 1983 when I was only 15… Will be postings my results when I get them. Would just like to say how wonderful this forum is and the people like myself sharing their own experiences. Xxx

Well got my biopsy results today… Not good… I have breast cancer. My reaction was mixed but glad my sister was with me. Next week I am going in for a lumpectomy and few lymph nodes removed. Then another wait to see whats next… Too much to take in right now but I am going to remain strong and positive and won’t let this get me down. I’ll post how I get on… Thanks for replying as it’s good to know people going through similar… Much love xxx