First meeting with Oncologist tomorrow

Hi everyone, very new to this malarkey. Diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer a fortnight ago. Having first meeting with Oncologist tomorrow. No idea what to expect?

Hi Splinters - sorry to hear that you’re here!  Every oncologist is different, of course, but I imagine there will be a specialist nurse in the appointment with you.  The oncologist should explain what kind of treatment plan you will be offered, including the drugs, the number of treatments, whether you will have chemo first or surgery first, the likely need for radiotherapy and when you might have this etc.  It’s worth taking a friend because they will remember things that you don’t remember and may have questions that you haven’t thought of.  Also handy to get the friend to ask the doctor/nurse to repeat things that you may not fully understand.  Try to write things down.  Best of luck. xx

Thank you Argymargy. Its Already been decided on chemo before op as mines aggressive. Called him BORIS. Fortunate to Have hubby and bestie with me at every appt as my ears cos you don’t absorb it all. Didn’t know how long to put aside for appt as like to organise my day/ kids

Hello everyone-still new to this so please help me.Told on Monday that I have BC but a small tumour and some in Lymph nodes.Breast Doctor and Breast Nurse saw me in the Breast clinic for results and were both very optimistic that it can be treated and that there is definitely so much to be done and to be positive about.Was told that it hadn’t spread and wasn’t anywhere else (bone scan and CT scan were both ok)and that I could have surgery straight away but that it would be better to have Chemo first then mastectomy.I know it is bad news but it could be so much worse and I really felt very positive about being able to deal with it.
Then yesterday we went to see Oncologist (who several nurses had pre-warned me that he is very abrupt)!! And we came out of THAT appointment feeling the total opposite of the day before-he told me that the chest wall was involved and that there was something in my neck he didn’t like-even though he said himself that my scans and x-rays were all clear of it being anywhere else.Said that he can’t guarantee that I will ever be free of it and may have to live with it
He really contradicted himself a couple of times and went from telling me that lots of woman go through this and it can be done to making me feel that I am actually terminally ill and every one else was lying to me.I know i am panicking now but I just felt so depressed yesterday after feeling so positive at the breast clinic.I found it all very negative.Am really down in the dumps now.
This site is so helpful and I don’t know what I would do without it xxx
Thankyou xxx

Thank you. How do I join the monthly thread. Starting next week 30th June

There doesn’t seem to be a July one started just yet. It’ll be some of the same people carrying over from June to July anyway, so pop on over and have a peek.

Thankyou everyone for your help-I really appreciate it XX
My BCN is fabulous and I have spoken to her and she has changed my Oncologist.Apparently my first one has a reputation for not being very accommodating so at least I know it isn’t just me! I feel a bit more positive (again) now and have been to a Chemo talk this afternoon,at my Hospital and my first Chemo is next Thursday (29th).My head is overflowing with information but I want to get started now and get on with it!
Lots of love to you all and Thankyou for being there-and for keeping me sane XX

Thankyou-I will do.
My first Chemo went well-have been drinking loads of water and just feel a bit tired and headachey so far,but just taking it as it comes xxx
Thankyou and love and hugs to everyone xxx