First menopausal symptoms and freaking out a bit!

Been quite teary and tired since my first zoladex injection and had my first hot flush tonight and it’s freaked me out a bit. I was in the pub, doing fine and having a good time then the hot flush took over and it’s freaked me out a bit as I felt quite normal for a while then the hot flush just brought me back to dealing with breast cancer again. Just reaching out to a safe space as I know people here will relate and can maybe give some advice on how to manage future flushes? X

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Hey, sorry you are feeling this so quickly. Mine hit in one of our hot summers so it wasn’t so obvious at first. I was only on it during my chemo. Best wishes anyway and invest in a little rechargeable fan for sure!

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Thanks for taking the time to reply, will get a little fan ordered rather than using a beer mat like I had to make do with tonight :roll_eyes: I knew the flushes were coming but just took me a bit by surprise tonight x

Im much older than you, but have had to reluctantly give up my HRT :sob:
I bought a little fan from Amazon that charges via USB, really helpful and effective, I bust it out when I get flushes. I’ve also gone for more natural fibres, rather than synthetic and stopped wearing polo neck jumpers, after almost ripping one off in Sainsbury’s when I had a flush.
It’s mean that you younger ladies have to go through this prematurely.
I sort of feel that I’m just experiencing what I staved off 10 years ago with HRT

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I can relate, when I am plagued by my hot flushes it makes me feel like my life is just dealing with the breast cancer and all the side effects instead of being just me. A friend gave me a spray called ‘Promensil’ which does help with the flushes, it has menthol and peppermint oil in it which does seem to trick my brain into cooling me down.
All the best,

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I’ve had to give up my beloved HRT, so now I’m having flushes at 60 !!! You can of course argue I missed them 10+ years ago !!!
I’ve bought a really nice USB chargeable fan from Amazon and keep it close to me in the evening. Also stopped wearing synthetic jumpers and gone for cotton and no polo necks !!!
I’ve also held onto vaginal oestrogen pessaries (which my oncologist was ok with), otherwise I might as well right off my sex life :wink:
Good luck, I really feel for you younger ladies who really shouldn’t have to be going through this rubbish yet xxx

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I know it isn’t for everyone but I have found regular cold water swimming helps with hot flushes - cold showers can have a similar effect . Drinking lots of cold water and avoiding alcohol help me too. As someone else mentioned turtle necks / polo necks are not good. Ironically I can end up with a migraine if my neck and shoulders get chilled so I now have a collection of shawls / snoods / scarves which I can just remove . I did buy a Sensation Cooling Scarf from QVC which I found was helpful in Summer but more on my arms than wrapped around my neck. I also realized that I was tense and anxious / when I could feel one coming on and slow breathing / Yoga mini meditation helped limit them a bit . You said that it’s a reminder and that’s true - there’s definitely a psychological element / impact and if you can get on top of that by trying to relax and accept it it should help. They can be distressing especially at first but hopefully they will settle down a bit . Xx

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Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply. You’ve no idea how much it helps. I sometimes feel like I’m being a massive drama queen when I moan about the side effects of the endocrine treatment as I know so many other people have it so much worse and having a whinge about this stuff makes me feel very guilty :face_holding_back_tears: thank you again x

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I bought a ‘ladycare magnet’ that goes in your knickers and take sage - both recommended by the oncology nurse and oncologist respectively- they have really helped. I also only wear a cardi, not a jumper so I can get it off quickly if I feel one coming on - tho generally I feel it’s only anxiety that brings one in now rather than constantly all day and all night… x

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I had to have my ovaries removed a few weeks ago due to a BRCA2 mutation diagnosis. I was prepared for a horrible hormonal freak out, and I think I had 2 hot flashes while still in hospital… I was pretty out of it, so not sure. At any rate, my doctor recommended that I try acupuncture because I can’t take HRT on account of my Estrogen and Progesterone receptor positive cancer. At any rate, I had acupuncture as soon as I could after the surgery and another session a week after that and so far so good. No noted changes.
Several years ago when I was pre-menopausal I was suffering from severe (SEVERE) night sweats and I also tried acupuncture then and it worked a charm.
So, obviously I do not know if that might work for you, but my OBGYN said most of her patients have relay good results.
What ever comes, I hope you feel better soon.


The 1st time it happened to me in a public place (at work!!), I felt so uncomfortable and was sure my face was completely red. I decided to just talk about it (my colleagues know I have BC). I said I was having a hot flush from drug unduced menopause and ask if my face was red. My colleague told me, not so much, just your neck and we laughed about it. It helped to make me feel less embarassed and it went away as quickly as it appeared.

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Hi all I bought a usb rechargeable neck fan which really helps with the hot flushes.I also sleep with all the bedroom windows open !

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