First mother's day without mum

Hi all,

As it is getting nearer to sunday it is filling with me dread. It is the first Mothers Day without my dearest mum. She lost her battle with breast cancer at the age of 84, a good age I know. She had a mastectomy at 75 but unfortunately it spread to her bones and she couldn’t fight it any longer. 6 weeks after I lost her, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am very lucky that it was grade 1, and underwent a lumpectomy, axillary clearance (1 node involved) and radiotherapy, no chemotherapy. I just wish my mum was still here to give me hugs and loving words. I have a lovely family, 3 children, 3 grandchildren and a very supportive husband who I cherish but I know mum would have known exactly how I was feeling.

I know my children will spoil me rotten on Sunday (they are all grown up and left home) but it feels strange that I am not buying a card and present this year for my own mum.

I hope all you mums and your own mums have a wonderful day


Hi Sunshine,

Why not buy her something!! Sounds a bit odd but I do it for my Son who died a while ago - a plant, a wind chime - something that makes ME smile as I know that’s what he would want to give me as a present - a reason to smile.

Hugs to you,

Sadie Xx Xx

Thank you Sadie, I have gone out this morning and bought myself a bright yellow rose which I can enjoy indoors and once it has finished flowering will put in a lovely sunny position in the garden. It will remind me of mum and will give me pleasure too.



Just wanted to say I’ll be thinking about you tomorrow. It doesn’t make your journey any easier I know. I think planting something is a lovely idea too.

Hugs xx

Hi sunshine,

You will not believe it, but I’ve just been out nd bought my Mum a yellow rose. When I give it to her I will think of your Mum too and you enjoying the rose.


Sadie Xx Xx