First posting

Hi everyone, really pleased to have found this site. I was diagnosed with bc in June this year and it’s been a rollercoaster since then. I had lumpectomy and results showed grade 2. Thankfully lymph nodes not affected and surrounding area clear too. I have just completed 4 weeks of rads (did not require chemo). I am now waiting to see oncologist since completing rads. I know all of this sounds positive but I am still really nervous and scared - is this normal emotions following treatment. I have dull ache in the middle of my back and am really worried. Spinal x-ray was ok so not sure what pain could be? Could this be side effect of rads? x

Hello Lucky 77,
I think that whatever stage or grade your bc it is a tremendous shock to you and sometimes even if your dx was not as “bad” as many others, you still have a huge amount to come to terms with and you will still feel all the things you say you’re feeling! And I think others will agree that the time immediately after treatment has finished is especially bad for may of us because we expect we’ll feel great and often we feel lonely and scared once the regular treatment (and the feeling of being “looked after”)is over. So I think what you’re feeling is entirely normal! Re your painful back - presumably your onc is happy with the results of the xray, (and I know that I got a weird pain in my side not long after rads finished which my onc said was probab;y due to the rads) but if you are not happy and it continues then don’t be afraid to raise it again - you could do this through your bcn - I always have found that they are great with anything like this.
Good luck and I hope this helps. love Mo

Hi Lucky 77 I would endorse everything that Mo has said.This is all a great shock and is likened to be hit by the 10 ton truck.Initially inspite of the shock you are carried along with the treatment plan.The period of time following this is when the enormity of what you have been through hits you.It is normal to feel nervous and scared.Glad to hear your back x-ray is OK. Do you ‘carry’ tension in your back? Not sure what this is. But do mention to your Onc as Mo suggested. Good luck with your appt. Love Jackie

Thanks Mo & Jackie for your responses. It is re-assuring to speak to people who understand the emotional aspect of bc. I will speak to my onc next week re painful back just to be on the safe side. Thanks again and hope all is well with you? x

Hi Just read your post and sounds like I’m in the saem situation as yourself.Hope you don’t mind that I PM’d (I beleive that means private messaged )you but not one for posting generally and also there don’t seem to be that many people not having us and I didn’t want to inadvertently say the wrong thing.

I was diagnosed 7/10 had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy…just got final results 6 days ago…Grade 2 stage 1 clear nodes (0/3)adn clear margins etc. Still can’t believe I only have to have radiation therapy and take tamoxifen for 5 years. I go for my measure up session tomorrow and then rads proper start in 2 weeks. I think I was so scared of having to have chemo that I am just thinking rads will be fine…do u have any advice?.

But like you it is the emotional side of BC that is hard…just been to see my GP today and I know there are lots of women out there with less positive results but I just can’t help feeling quite depressed. despondent etc etc. then feel guilty as feel i should be making the most of the situation considering it could have been a lot worse.

I’ll stop rambling now…it helped anyway reading your post and the subsequent replies…knowing someone else out there is in the same situation as myself.

Take care


Hi everyone I am in a similar position too Grade 2 cancer SNB showed no evidence of cancer in lymph nodes. Awaiting date for start of radiotherappy. Bit disappointed today as I had appt with oncologist and thought I would get a date but they only wanted to tell me about it and get me to sign consent form. I have to wait until Addenbrookes contact me as that is where I have to go for treatment as not done in my hospital. Just want to get it over and done with hopefully before Xmas so I can start new year treatment free. I know I shouldn’t grumble as so many people are in a much worse position but it isn’t always easy to be rational especially when my husband only died in May!

Hi all,
I too have a similar diagnosis, am awaiting rads, due to start in 2 weeks, it doesn’t matter what stage of bc or treatment we need being dx is a massive shock, and it doesn’t help when ‘friends’ say ‘ooh your lucky’, because we don’t need chemotherapy or further surgery , but we still need support and time to adjust .
Hope everyones treatment goes well, thinking of you all

Good to read some more similar feelings…yes the friends saying that we are lucky…even some family for me…they seem to be oblivious to the psychological aspect. The shock of getting the diagnosis then the readjustment that we have to make to move forward. For me I think it’s like grieving for the life I had…although the obvious bits stay the same, where I live, what I drive, where I go etc, but it’s like a globe on that slanted axis which has now it’s moved by a few degrees resulting in an effect on everything. However, I have also found who some of my real friends are through this so guess that’s a positive. I also feel for my 14 yr old son…just keep thinking he doesn’t need this “cloud” in his life but the more I try to stay “normal” the more pressure I feel to “be normal”. Also know what you mean about the appointments…I saw ONC for first time on Monday but it was mainly to sign the consent forms and was also told stuff about the tumour that my surgeon had already told me…plus that “the cancer was out”…which technically is not strictly true as that’s an unknown quantity.Thinking of you all B

Really, really good thread, this, I’m glad I spotted it, finally! Bc is a terrifying, dreadful diagnosis, no surgery on our breasts is a walk in the park, and rads are no picnic either - there should be no ‘second class citizens’ in the breast cancer battle! I don’t know yet if I will need chemo or not (my bcn has warned me repeatedly to ‘prepare’ for it, but it’s not a defninite) - but regardless of whether I avoid that or not, I have still had a breast removed, I still have breast cancer, and I am darn well entitled to be devastated about it!!! The same would be true if I’d had a wle instead of mx. Different degrees of treatment, but the same bloody cancer.

Anyone who thinks anyone with bc is lucky because of their treatment being ‘less’ gruelling, well, they don’t know what ‘luck’ actually is. ‘Luck’ would be not having cancer in the first place. Our dx means it is something we will now live with forever - perhaps not the signs and symptoms of the disease, but always the fear that it may recur.

Massive hugs to all women on this site who have received, or who are dreading, the dx of bc. And respect to all of us who battle on… we are so worth it (!)

Sophie xxxx

Hi all,

Good to see you back Sophie, hope your op went as well as can be expected, You are so right about living with this forever, every lump, bump unexplained symptom is going to result in a trip to the docs, never really went before BC! How life has changed!

smiley and sebflyte Sorry about your onc appointments was a disappointment, mine was really thorough, although results from the hormone receptors was missing!! he discussed rads, all SE, common and rare (scary), gave me a thorough examination all over to make sure no lumps or bumps had appeared.

Going for planning today for rads - a bit nervous, but will be fine.

Thinking of you all x

Hello all,

I don’t really know where to post, or indeed why, except I think this is the nearest situation I’ve seen. (if I’ve posted in the wrong place - sorry - and please move me!!)

Was diagnosed with a stage 2, high grade 5cm tumour on 13/10 and was given tamoxifen before the surgery as they wanted to make sure they could do a lumpectomy (which they did on Friday & auxillary lymph node removal) - & have my follow up on Wednesday to see if there are clear margins/lymph node involvement…

I guess now though it has begun to hit home and after lurking here for a while thought I would post and say hello!

Hello madmusicalgirl! You can post on any thread, and if there’s nothing that suits… start one up!!! (Though if you’re anything like me, thinking up a title is tough…lol).

How are you feeling? I had my mx and axillary clearance on Friday, so at much the same stage as you - I go back on Friday for results and an idea on what happens next. My tumour was estimated at 3cms, and is oestregen receptive, so I know tamoxifen will be on the menu at some point.

Lots of luck for Wednesday, I’ll keep it all crossed that your margins are clear and lymph nodes too - please let me know how you get on! You can always msg me privately if you want - would love to know how you’re doing as you’re the same op date as me…

How you coping with the drain?

Sophie xxxx

Hi madmusicgirl,

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good support from the many informed users of this site. I’m sure there will be someone along shortly to offer you some support. Don’t be afraid to ask anything here, there’s always someone to help and there’s the BCC helpline staff to give you some added support if you need a good listening ear.

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Got date for rads planning day after tomorrow they phoned me today I had been feeling quite ‘normal’ but now feeling edgy again just can’t wait to get everything finished with!
Eileen x

Hi smiley,

I know exactly how you feel, I went for planning on monday, and was I bag of nerves, ‘just relax’, they said to me whilst laid on the bed, I thought I was LOL! - just like being in the dentist chair!!!

Good luck for your planning - it is really quick and painless!!


I’m not sure how this thing works, this is the problem for me. I was diagnosed 7/9, mastectomy 13th Oct. Results say level 2, 12.5cm tumour, oestrogen positive and 8 lymph nodes infected.
Still got to wait till 1st Dec to see Oncologist, so the waiting game is driving me crazy. With 8 lymph nodes infected should I be expecting chemo as well as rads and hormone? any ideas?
Izzi x

Izziwhizzi - everyone’s treatment plan is different, but I would think that chemo would def. be on the cards with lymph nodes involved - the women I know personally who have had bc have all had chemo in those circumstances. Did your consultant not discuss it with you when you saw him/her post-op? It’s an awful wait, I know - the waiting is by far the most stressful thing.

I had my mx last Friday, axillary clearance, and see my consultant on Friday this week for results, and I’m hoping to find out what the treatment will be then, though I know the finer detail will be down to the onc. My understanding is that the bc team discuss all findings, so if I were you I would ring my bcn and ask her to find out what treatment is being proposed - I’d be very surprised if there weren’t any reference to it in your notes.

Again - every single one of us is an individual case, so please don’t take my thoughts as gospel - give your bcn a ring tomorrow and chase them for some info - another fortnight is an awfully long time to wait with no idea what treatment will be.

Take care

Sophie xxxx

Hi Izzi and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the support and information your fellow forum users will continue to share with you I am posting a link to a couple of BCC publications which you may find useful to read. The first is a resource pack designed for anyone newly diagnosed and the other is about treatments for breast cancer:*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/82/*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/89/

Our helpline is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2 on 0808 800 6000 and you are welcome to call for a chat about your concerns.

Take care