Hi everyone im 43yrs old, I was diagonosed last Wednesday as having BC, I have a 16 yr old just sitting his GCSE’s, a 12yr old and my little girl of 4yrs. I cant tell you all how I felt I practically cried the hospital down! It has affected my mental health status immensley as I keep fearing the worst!! I go back on Weds this week to recieve the core biopsy info but despite that my surgery is booked for the 3/7/09. A mastectomy in one breast and lumpectomy in the other one. God im so scared!!! I was perfectly happy and normal until this time last week and my life has been totally shattered! I have no family history of BC and am still trying to get my head around everything. I just love my family so much!!! and its the first time I’ve been on this site, it actually is so upsetting to read stories similar to mine?
Love to you all xx
Molly, sorry that you have found yourself here. It’s a mad old rollercoaster,and soooo surreal. I got diagnosed Jan, op Feb and finished rads last month I look back at it now as Im out the other end and think how the hell did I get through that… but I did and you will too. Just remember you are not alone , there will always be someone here who has gone or is going through the same as you. I found these forums a great source of info and support and humour too. My girls are 12 and 10 and I’m now 45 and we are most def looking forward to the future. Keep chatting it helps, big hugs.
Sandra x
Hi Molly,
I am 43 too and was diagnosed in March after spotting a dimple on my breast on my 43rd birthday in February. I have since had a WLE and am just going through radiotherapy and was started on Tamoxifen on the day of diagnosis after a core biopsy. My nodes were clear (0/15). Hormone positive 8/8 although I am not sure to which hormone.
I feared the worst too and was convinced it was everywhere. It really does get better when you know what you are dealing with even though it’s still tough. I was an emotional wreck but feel much better now. The tears flowed very readily for me too and sometimes came up when I was least expecting them.
I hope your results are good and wish you all the best for your sugery. Take care. LooLoo x
hi guys, thanks for your comments, im scared to go back weds for the core bioposy results although they told me that nodes on ultrasound was clear and that it was early stages from the fine needle aspiration test? i dont know what treatment i will need but surgery was agreed, im fightened to death if im honest!!! they assurred me its 100% treatable and im 100% going to live!!! as i asked that question constantly as soon as i found out!!
there are so many people that come out of this on this on top and im sure a more stronger person!!! What do we do in life to get such devastating news???
much love xx
I always found the waiting for results THE WORST … even surgery wasn’t so bad and I’m the biggest wuss about. Once you know what your dealing with and have a plan of action for me it seemed that bit easier, just don’t scare yourslef stupid by reading too far ahead, not until you know exactly what path you are going down. Good luck fo Wednesday, where in the uk are you? You might find someone on here that is nearby.
Sandra x
Hi sandra, im in stalybridge which is on the outskirts of manchester… im actually looking forward to the surgery… to me its like ‘get rid of the badness’ and make myself better with the treatment to follow… only wish it was weds tomorrow… as well as results i also have my pre op prior to the results. this is the first day ive not cried and eaten plenty and been more positive xxx
Im in North Wales and had my op in LLandudno hospital, can’t rate it highly enough,suprisingly enough I had a great time when I was in there and made a friend for life and the food was fantastic !
You will have good days and bad, what we go through is a huge shock to the system both for us and those around us, it’s a mental as well as a physical thing. Before my op I was cleaning like a mad thing, didn’t want the mother in law saying I had a dirty house when she came to visit, cooked like a demon to fill the freezer as my hubs is rubbish in the kitchen then treated myself to a pampering day with massages and a pedicure, be good to you.
Sandra x
hi sandra, you seem to be doing and coping really well? much admiration to you, i have been cleaning etc… its weird not being in work and my hubby off with me… i need to have ppl around me all the time to keep me focused. both my breats are so sore and aching with all the needles and poking and prodding under the ultrasound! its not a week yet and the tenderness is so apparent, they feel like they have swollen more … how many lumps did you have?
molly xx
Only the one lump for me and it was only 15mm,what can I say, I know my breasts… surgeon said I did well to find it, so only had a lumpectomy and sentinal node biopsy, was lucky that had no spread and it was only a grade 2 so got away with no chemo but could have had it if I wanted… don’t like these choices,rather be told what to do, had the same for surgery, could have had mastectomy if wanted but am happy enough with the decisions I have made and I suppose was lucky that was given the option.
Am on tamoxifen now and so far have been lucky with that too as don’t seem to be suffering on it, so I am just pleased that I’m out the other end as it could have been a lot worse.
Sandra x
hi sandra, how long will you take tamoxifen and what does it do?
molly xx
Will be taking it for at least five years, got put on it as am pre menopausal and my cancer was 100% oestrogen and progesterone receptive. Had to have my mirena coil taken out because of that booo ! Not had a period in 4 yrs then ended up with 2 in 3 weeks !
The tamoxifen blocks the oestrogen from attatching to any cancer cells so helps with lessening the chance of a recurrence, it also throws you into an early menopause but I’ve been on it nearly 3 months and have been fine …so far…
Sandra x
hi sandra, thanks for your help and support tonight i hope to speak to you again soon xxx
hi molly,
you sound like i did in march when i got diagnosed. I am 39 (just lol) and i have 7 children, 2 of them babies.BC has turned my world upside down I had to bring my wedding forward before I started chemo,and like yourself love life sooo much its took a long time for me to get this happy.Keep positive,keep your humour,you have a good prognosys,bc is not the death sentence like it used to be thanks to all this fantastic technology.It amazes me what they can do.
I am opposite way around to you,I chose to have my chemo first,its only in one breast but they misdiagnosed it in september and after constant pursual by myself they re biopsied and another mammo indeed it was cancer in the first place.Ive just done a course of 3 epirubicen and I face my first nasty taxotere today.Take each day as it comes,dont read any other stories that arent related to you unless you are strong enough emotionally.I found some of them realy upsetting and I can only admire people in a worse situation than myself and take their support and tips with gratitude.
I’ve gone for a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction taken from my tummy fat, see that as a bonus the free tummy tuck lol.so got that to look forward to in Sept/oct kind of time.
Keep your chin up chick,you will be just fine !!! Oh and get facebook theres lots of positive ladies on there too sharon xx
hi smallstar, thanks for your support im just a wreck of fear at the moment, i just hope for good news tomorrow if thats at all possible? i dont understand any terminology and dont want to as that will scare me more i think! some people dont need chemo or radio i believe, but i have to keep thinking positive, i have never been familiar with this as i never thought in a million yrs i would get it!! thanks again xxxx
keep positive molly,keep us updated
sharon xxxxxx
Hiya Hun, Im 45 and it was my husband who saved me by grabbing my left boob really quickly and then realising it wasent the same as the other one! I only found this out in April and had a full mascetomy in June, 2 days after we married! We didnt know if it was survivable, cos I had had this mass developing for over a year, it turns out. It took 12 days before we found out it was treatable and it was 13cm across and had 3 kinds of cancer in it! I start chemo on 28th of July and then radio and loads more stuff for 6 years in total. It is so unusual that no ones seen one like it and so its been difficult to stay positive. Mikes only 24 and struggling to cope. Hes had to go onto anti-depressants and theyve had to be taken up 4x until he can cope a bit better bless him!Im gonna take up female boxing when Im better, Ive got so much anxt in me over this!