First treatment

Phonecall from hospital today with date for first of fifteen rads weds 3rd July on the home strait I hope at last, smiling well a little :slight_smile:

Good news Loobyb. Hope to start mine soon too

Jan x

Apologies for posting this here - I’m glad for you, Loobyb.
I did post on the Undergoing Treatment forum but it didn’t come up on ‘latest posts’ and I’m a bit worried! Am very new to this site and am not finding it easy to negotiate! Anyway…
I had CT and bone scans today. Before the CT scan the radiographer told me my consultant had asked for a scan of my stomach and pelvic area, and as a sort of afterthought, chest area. Does this mean he suspects something is wrong in the stomach/pelvic area? Plus, does everyone have to drink that strange barium mixture beforehand, or is that for specific scan areas?
Worried of Wales,
Annie x

I give up.

hi annie barium is a contrast dye think everyone drinks for cts (i know i used to give it to all patients who went for cts). Hope all ok with results. I was told that its a standard in wales to have cts etc and might not be in other areas , so no doubt il have them too, just more stress! x

Hi Annie,
I have not had a CT scan so can’t comment on the stuff you drink. I would maybe give your BCN a call and ask her about the scan, she should be able to shed some light and hopefully put your mind a rest a bit.
Take Care

Loobyb, good luck, my mum starts hers on the 8th July xx

Hi Loobyb. I started 3 weeks of Rads last Monday. So number 6 of 15 tomorrow. Feeling a little itchy but am slapping on loads of the aqueous cream they gave me 4/5 times a day. Bought some organic aloe Vera gel yesterday from Holland n Barrett. Tried that today and it is very cooling! Going to ask tomorrow if it ok to use on the mornings before Rads treatment.
Hi Annie. I had the CT scan with barium drink just after diagnosis. They checked from neck down to bum! They told me it was cos I had lymph node involvement the scan was needed to check for any spread. Happily nothing found. Your consultant will explain next time you see them.