Very worried, we are on flood alert, just come in soaking wet and freezing cold. Worried about horses (little one and big one) - too late to move them now as we are cut off and the river is rising.
Absolutly shattered and my back is killing me
We were flooded in 2000, and really I cannot lose my home again
Gotta go - poor things, ridiculous the stables are bone dry and one has a phobia about going in them so they both can’t.
Bugger all to do with breast cancer - except that I cannot cope with crisis in the way I used to.
Hope you’re all right Celeste…its just stopped teeming down here and my little urban alley is ankle deep after drains gave up. Roof has decided to leak which adds to general joy.
Good luck with the horses…bet it’s the little one that has the phobia…
I hope you are all ok today Celeste. I’ve just been listening to the news all about the flooding. I do hope your horses are safe and well.
Take Care…Belinda…x
sending cyber hugs and hoping you all miss the heavy rain. The winds here in Cornwall have been pretty fierce during the night but have calmed down and we have sun and clear sky over the bay so he’s hoping it won’t rev up inland. Yesterday it poured down all day so fingers crossed for you.
Love Debsxxx
Hi guys - thanks for your kind words. The horses are fine, and so was the stable, until they took the pump away, and now the ditches have filled up and the stables are flooded. God knows how many hundreds of pounds of damage has been caused to rugs and stuff.
Actually it’s the larger horse that won’t go in the stable - just as well!
Still cut off due to flooding, but I’ve got the big scan tomorrow, worried that I might not be able to get through. Very frightened that these lymph nodes have grown, and there has been more spread in my back, and I will have to go back on chemo again.
Celeste, I’m so sorry to hear about the flooding and the problems with your horses. You’re only a few miles from me but I know you’re on much lower ground and I know that where you live is notorious for flooding so I’m hoping and praying that there’s no more rain tonight and that you can get out for your scan tomorrow.
Sending cyber hugs to you re the scan and hope that things aren’t nearly as bleak as you feel they may be. All the best, take care and let us know how it goes.
Got there - floodwater cleared. I had my CT scan but worryingly the tech said 'when are you due to see you oncologist - fairly soon? aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Just got a phone call - the report says I’m clear!
The lymph node has not grown at all, so it probably isn’t cancer and there is no new involvement in my back. Never have I sobbed so much with utter joy. I think this is the very first time this has happened to me, all my other results over the years have been dreadful. unbelieveable
Just goes to show how we can misinterpret what medics say to us. The radiologist probably just wanted to know if they needed to do the report quickly. I was once rung on a Bank Holiday by someone reading my CT scan who wanted to know if I was seeing my oncologist the next day…I was…and my OK scan (twas a long time ago) just needed to be written up.
Maybe we should just walk out of the room and ignore them completely! I had a bone scan on Tuesday and (it being my first one) asked when the results would be in. She said, “About a week, but you’re seeing your onc on the 23rd anyway, aren’t you?” I didn’t worry about this at the time but perhaps I should be worrying. But judging on how my onc and other medics have been so far with me, I’ve had bad results phoned through to me pretty fast so I’m trying to be optimistic about this.