Hello Ladies
Hope your treatment isn’t causing you to many problems.
Posting this item on a few threads to see if anybody can answer the case of flu injection or not,esp chemo treatment ladies.there seems to be a difference of opinion,has anyone checked this out.Flu injections are due October.Thanks

Hi Walton
was speaking to my OH this morning about the flu jab, as I have one each year and was not sure whether I would be this year or not. Hope to see doctor during week, so if no one else has answered before me, I will let you know.
deb x


Started chemo in Oct last year. The advice i was given by my oncologist when i checked it out was that she highly recommended having it but to time it at the best time in my cycle therefore I had it the day before chemo(and did’t get flu through chemo). The detailed explanation that Sam gives in the thread on the rads area is similar to the advice I got from my friend who is the vaccination and immunisation co ordinator for the local PCT.

Everyone is individual so check with your oncologist but if my experience is anything to go by I’d have it (but I have had one every year for the last 10years)


My onc does not advise it but I have had one every year as gp always rings to remind me!
Hubby always has it done as well and up to now no colds for the past 5 years. I was on fec and then 2 yrs of capecitabine this winter I will be back on taxol.
Love Debsxxx

i asked my chemo nurse and she didnt recommend it. Said it would of little value this year as based on last year’s strain. If you look on Cancer backup site they say it does not interfere with chemo. My chemo is due to end beginning of November hopefully so I intend to have a flu jab then anyway and also ask about a pneumonia jab at the same time. I hve heard resistance is low for 6 months after chemo. Just heard of someone who has caught shingles after chemo and rads. Anything to boost immunity i say!