Flu Injection

Hi everyone, I am due to have my 6th dose of chemotherapy tomorrow and so had a blood test today to check that they were ok. Whilst at the nurse she suggested that I have a flu injection. Has anyone else undergoing chemotherapy been offered this injection or indeed had it. I am unsure if I really want it on top of the chemicals which they are going to give me tomorrow. Any advice would be great Thanks

I would definitely ask oncologist before going ahead - sounds like the last thing you need while on chemo and resistance low! Tho I’m not sure about the difference betwen viral and bacterial infections and risk…
All the best for tomorrow - hope that’s your last dose.

Hi albagirl,

The following is a link to the NHS website regarding the flu vaccination.


Before having the flu vaccination BCC recommend that you discuss this with your oncologist first.
You can also discuss this with the helpline team who I am sure will be able to give you some useful advice. The number is freefone 0808 800 6000 lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.

Kind regards,
Sam, Moderator

I wondered about this. I saw an ad in the paper today offering NHS flu jabs for the old and those “with chronic conditions”. I have always had a jab usually provided free from work. I am 5 weeks past chemo, WLE tomorrow and rads to follow. If I can have one I would like to.

I’d be interested in hearing what the view is

Sharon x

Thank you all for your comments. I will ask my Macmillan Nurse tomorrow who I am sure will check with my oncologist and will post back with their advice. Thanks again xx

i mentioned the flu vaccine at my pre chemo session and was advised it would be a good idea IF i could have it before chemo started, otherwise to leave it until after chemo had finished

I had my 4th chemo yest and saw my onc before - I asked him about the flu jab and he said no reason why not. The only thing my bc nurse said after was leave it until the week before next one when the blood counts are climbing again.


My oncs actively encourage us at our hospital to have the flu injection regardless where you are in the chemo tretament. they all have their own ideas don’t they!!

Hi everyone, Had my last dose of chemotherapy today and asked my Macmillan Nurse about the Flu Jab. She spoke to my oncologist who agreed with her that I should have the injection but only three weeks from today when my blood levels will be almost back to normal. Hope everyone is feeling well.

My onc advised me to have flu jab, which I did before I started chemo but I do not think that there is anything set in stone. That was a year ago and my dr surgery have called me for the annual jab even though I am not in the age bracket, so I presume that I am on the books permanently


I have just had my third FEC and am due to start 3xTAX on the 18th oct. I asked my onc last week about flu jab as chemo nurse advised to have it and he said to have it when i have my next blood test which will be the 17th oct.I agree there seems to be no hard and fast rule here so i think i might just have it and hope for the best, ain’t everything just so scary!

best wishes to all
sally x