Flu jab following dcis surgery

Had a wire guided wide excision for intermediate dcis in february resulting in clear margins. Have just had a flu jab on thursdsy on the same side as had surgery. Having some discomfort around wound site (which is completely healed now) my question is should i have hadvthe jab in the other arm? Didnt think about it at time but wondering now if ive made mistake - had anyone else had similar issue, should i be concerned or am i being over sensitive?

Hi Lyn

Usually the issue with having injections etc only arises if you’re at risk of lymphodema on that side. It doesn’t usually apply after WLEs for DCIS as we don’t usually have any lymph nodes sampled. As far as I know there’s nothing to worry about in terms of having injections or blood tests on that side unless you did have a sentinel node excision.

I did have a flu jab after mine, and the nurse was careful to ask me about lymphodoema, so they do take it into account.

Hope things have improved now.


Hi Dizzybee thanks for your reply, info and reassurance, i have noticed that i do get aches and pains on the side where i had the surgery when i am overtired or have been overdoing things, i put it down to that being my weakest point. It would follow i guess that if i got any mild side effects it would affect my weaker side! Having been relatively fine since february (apart from when overvtired of course) i almost (but not quite) forgot about everything, clearly i must’ve as i offered up my right arm for the injection, will remember next time hopefully. Hope all going well for you?xx