Flu Jab

Hi Ladies,

I have multiple bone mets diagnosed last December. I take exemestane, denosumab and calcium tablets. Do you know if it’s ok to have a flu jab? Or does it interfere with the meds in any way?

love to you all



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Hi, don’t know if this will be of much help but when I had my primary BC and was on Fec my onc told me not to have flu jab. After treatment when I was on exemestane I did have one, This time having several chemo’s for SBC I haven’t bothered. It may be worth asking yor onc though. Sorry cant be more use. Good ulck.x

 Hello Mermaid

I am on Everolimus Exemestane Denosomab and Adcal calcium tablets I have been on these drugs 2 winters and always have had flue jab they have never had an effect on me. I do get alot of bone and muscle pain as I have MS as well as my mets one in the spine.

If you are not sure about it ask your onc as SH suggests.

Good Luck x