Fluid Retention

Hi all, I have been on Tamoxifen for just over 2 years now, and have put on about 3 stone since diagnosis in July 2009. Im convinced that a fair amount of my weight gain is down to fluid retention as my arms (both) have become so fat that I can’t get on any of my jackets or slightly fitted blouses on, I was wondering if anyone has been prescribed any pills that may reduce the fluid swilling around my body.
I’d be very grateful for any advice, suggestion or tips.
Big hugs
Stella X

Hi Stella,

Oh poor you, I know how you feel as I was bloated whilst on chemo but it’s mostly gone now, I’m still overweight though but losing the pounds slowly.

There’s an old thread about Tamoxifen and fluid retention… here.


lymphatic drainage is mentioned in the last post, and water tablets (diuretics) were prescribed to one lady.

I hope you find it a useful read and hope you find a remedy soon.

Libby x