Focus group on physical activity

Hi all, Breast Cancer Care and The Prostate Cancer Charity are conducting an important piece of research looking at the barriers to taking part in physical activity faced by people who have experienced cancer and looking at ways in which the charities can support people to do more physical activity. We need your help so that the charities can design activity programmes which are appropriate and motivating for people so that they can get the most out of life. Opinion Leader , an independent market research agency, has been appointed to conduct this piece of research and they are looking for volunteers to take part in a focus group lasting 1.5 hours at the Breast Cancer Care office in London. Travel expenses will be covered and sandwiches and refreshments will also be provided. Due to the high importance and interest in this research, the focus group will be viewed by representatives from Breast Cancer Care. Date: Monday 8th August Time: 6.30pm-8pm Venue: Breast Cancer Care, 5-13 Great Suffolk Street, London, SE1 0NS Contact Carol O’Beney

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i cannot make the focus group. The canadian air force back in the sixti. es did a study on the fitness of their male and female pilots and were appauled at the results. They examined why people did not excercise and devised a program that people could do at their own pace in their own home with no equipment taking only 5 minutes a day.

i once did the femal version in the 70’s. I am not an exercise freak. i know i am supposed to but at 65 dont think i am going to start new habits that take hours out of my day. But after my WLE i got the book out and started again, on the easiest chart.

because they only take 5 minutes I find them easy to include in my morning routine and woud recommend them to anyone who does not normally excercise regularly.

The are called canadian air force excercises 5XB for men and XB for women. the book is now stupidly expensive, but you can download the original leaflet if you google it, i think there are some link on wikipedia


I’m in Scotland (Glasgow) too, and part of the Active ABC programme devised by Dr Anna Campbell (it was around a bit before Mbrace but I believe is now also funded the same way and I think she’s involved with both). You probably know about it already but just in case… The website is

The group I attend is really good - supportive and enjoyable; as well as giving us some exercise it is a safe place to share and support each other. Alas funding is only ever short term, so it is quite a precarious endeavour

Would have loved to go but I live in Manchester and it’s the middle of the school holidays. Next time there’s a focus group could consideration be given to holding it somewhere in the 99% of Britain that isn’t central London and with sufficient notice so that people across the BC spectrum can attend? I appreciate what you are doing but think it could be even more useful if a wider cross section of people could make it.


hi vickie-i’m with you on that-i’m in manchester too x

Me too some way away (worcester) nd by definition, if you cant do much physical activity, you cant get to London, so its not really going to be a representative sample!! Would something on line be better or at least consider this aswell? Otherwise, you will only get the physically active going!!

Sadie Xx Xx

I would love to come. I am able to get there. Could my husband come too? He needs the exercise even though he hasn’t had cancer!

Hopefully see you there.