Is there anyone on here who has any other tests other than mammogram for follow up investigations?
I have refused follow up mammograms because of my tumour not being identified even though it was evident on my 1st mammogram. Instead they operated on a benign fibroadenoma. It was only a couple of months later when I felt changes in my breast (which I initially thought was scar tissue) that the malignacy was identified.
It was a horrible time and I saw the radiologist twice who was very apologetic, I was told that it was possible it could happen again due to dense breast tissue. Full breast ultrasound and MRI was discussed at that time but that was 2 and half years ago, and since finishing surgery, chemo and rads in Dec 2005 and Herceptin in March this year I have had no follow up investigation
I was going to try and chase this up myself and phoned breast care centre and. surgical outpatients but no one knew who I should write to. I then received a phone call from research nurse in Aug regarding follow up investigations and explained that I had got no where, so she said leave it and she would get my consultant to write
I then attended hosp app (routine follow up for research) and there was nothing in my notes about letter re further investigations. The docter I saw there referred me to surgeons and said I would hear within 2 weeks. I did’nt, so have telephoned surgical OPD this morning and there is no record of me at all on their system. I telephoned research nurse only to find out that the letter by consultant was never sent as he thought it uneccessary (but they never thought to let me know) and she is now going to chase up this surgical referral
Sorry that this may sound a bit mixed up, but there has been so much messing about that it is hard to write down simply
If there is anyone who is having extra tests instead of, or as well as mammogram I would be glad to hear so that maybe I can figure where to go from here