Had lumpectomy and finished rads 4 weeks ago. Hoping to see oncologist in 2 weeks time. Can anyone tell me what to expect ie tests or a general chat ?
Also what happens when you see the consultant at his follow up ?
Had lumpectomy and finished rads 4 weeks ago. Hoping to see oncologist in 2 weeks time. Can anyone tell me what to expect ie tests or a general chat ?
Also what happens when you see the consultant at his follow up ?
Hi Diane
well done on gettiong so far with your treatment you are nearly at the finishing post (if there ever is one with this blasted disease).
On my follow up the onc had a jolly good feel around the boob and armpit and also looked to see if it was still red from the rads. We then discussed what happens next and that was about it - i go back to see him in three months if all goes OK in the menatime (hopefully)
Hi Diane
My follow up appointment was a quick examination as above and a general chat - during which i asked a lot of questions that I’d been holding back for a while. My next check up was then scheduled for 6 months with the surgeon - the appointments will alternate surgeon / onc thereafter. i think the surgeon appointment will include mammogram of remaining breast.
Hope your appointment goes well
Thanks for the info. I know what to expect now and will get my list of questions ready.
On my first visit to the onc.I got the list from my bag , looked at it and he said " 2lbs potatoes ,packet of biscuits…"
Doesn’t sound so funny now , but then I laughed and felt much more relaxed. Some just have the gift1
By the way I can’t drive and my husband isn’t well enough to at present.The hospital have arranged transport for me which was a nice surprise and relief.I thought you had to be having chemo to qualify and hadn’t asked for it.
Had my lumpectomy in Nov 07 and start my radiotherapy on 15 Jan …15 sessions which I was originally told I wouldnt need …you are further on than I am and well done to you…any advice for me before I start the rads?..For you I hope for the best you hope for yourself…keep yourself informed on sites like these cos it seems that consultants are not good at chatting to patients but my Breast Nurse is great…hope yrs is too…luv Thialoz xx
Hi ladies, sorry to raid your space
Diane - would love to pick your brains and know how you get on with your oncologist session - that’s heading my way at some time in the future
Thialoz - I’m just off to have my final (25th) rads session - please get yourself some Aqueous Cream from the chemist and begin to slather it on before next week - its important to keep the skin moisturised - after about half the sessions your breast will possibly begin to resemble Robin Redbreast - or Rudolph’s nose! The first ‘planning’ session takes longer than all the other sessions - you have to be tattooed so they can line you up each time on the proper machine - and they write on you with felt tip so you have to expect a bit of extra washing. You can’t use perfumed soap or deodorant, go swimming or wet shave while you have the treatment and for a few weeks afterwards as you carry on cooking! The skin under my breast has just begun to break down so I’ve been given gel to put on that area - they are very good at keeping an eye on it so don’t worry if you don’t notice it happening to you.
Hope that helps
Maddy xxxx