Hi there, I wanted to know if anyone out there can give me some advice, I have been diagnosed on 12 October and then had a MRI last week, results now show a further 5 - 7 small suspect areas, which they dont like, they are suggesting either a guided Biopsy with MRI to check them out or more strongly recommendated that I have a mastectomy, anyone had this situation to deal with, I would be interested to hear your experiences. My primary cancer is Grade 2, invasive ductal carcinoma which is ER positive.
Its all very confusing and I know I have to make a decision over the weekend to decide do I have another biopsy ( had two already) but that might not confirm as they say that they wont check every area, or do I play it safe and go for the mastectomy, but the extra places might not be cancerous…HELP
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Hi Elliepup
My situation is not identical but has some similarities. I was diagnosed with bilateral lobular Nov/Dec last year and after mammogram and US I had an MRI which showed up a third ‘highly suspicious’ area. I was recommended bilateral Mx with immediate LD flap reconstruction and was almost at that point, but then had sentinel node biopsy surgery and nodes were clear and the thought of such long and intensive surgery was freaking me out a bit. As the recommendation of BiMx was being reinforced by the MRI findings, and my health board area don’t have the facility for MRI-guided biopsy I did push to have it done in another area. Turns out the ‘highly suspicious’ area wasn’t BC, but when I had the bilateral WLE they did find a third small cancerous area on the other side.
The mastectomy/not decision is very very personal and I don;t think I could recommend one way or another. The MRI does have a number of disadvantages, one being what I experienced. Susan Love’s book on BC has a good bit on the downside of MRI, but again, how you read it is very personally related to your situation. I don;t regret my decision, but then again I’ve just had another lump biopsied - radiologist is convinced its nothing sinister and did it to put my mind at rest, but that’s next week gone for me sitting worrying what if.
Do you feel strongly that you don’t want the mastectomy? If you do then I’d got with the MRI guided biopsy.
And be reassured that the majority of BC research in multifocal says that this does not mean expected outcome is any worse. Its just as bad as your biggest or ‘worst’.
If you’re the type who likes reading about BC then I’d really recommend Susan Love’s book, she sorted out a lot of my issues, and I still go back to the highlighted sections when I feel a bit wobbly.
Hi Shell, thanks for the suggestions, I am getting my head around some of the abbreviations, but think I get the message, sorry its all soooo new to me.
I have been able to do some research over the last day or so and I do feel that I want to be as safe as possible, and whilst I could go down the route of the guided biopsy, I think I would always be worried, which is not a good place to be in.
I have planned to see the breast care nurse on Monday and finalise my decisions, but also interested in your suggestion to read the book, thanks.