Thought some may like to check the info out, the daily mail has loads of ads I wouldn’t normally go there but the information provided could be of great help to us all.
If you click on the Image with title “Protect your DNA” from the above link you will find a 7 page pictorial.
Clicking on the Heart Image also has 6 more page views :smileyhappy:
Eat to beat cancer stem cells
The anti-cancer effects are preserved whether the purple potato is boiled, baked or cooked as potato crisps. Green tea can kill rogue cancer stem cells (which form new cancers), too. If you have cancer, or have ever had it, your number-one focus should be to kill those stem cells.
There’s no medicine that can do this yet, but there are a growing number of foods, and their bioactives, that are being studied for their suppressive effects on cancer stem cells. Finding ways to kill cancer stem cells has been one of the holy grails in cancer research.
While biotechnology companies are busy looking into this, scientists have already discovered dietary factors that have the ability to kill them, at least in some forms of cancer.
Other foods containing bioactives shown to suppress cancer stem cells include soya, celery, oregano, thyme, capers, apples and peppers.
Scientists in Korea discovered that resveratrol — the bioactive that is found in red wine, grapes, peanuts, pistachios, dark chocolate and cranberries — also interferes with the growth of breast cancer stem cells.
The red wine may not be appropriate if on chemo or some other drugs, (check with your team)
I found this information encouraging and hope you do too :smileyhappy:
x x :heart: