For Bluebell

For Bluebell

For Bluebell Good luck for tomorrow, you are in my thoughts and prayers


nervous Thanks Marge,

Im so frightend about tomorrow,and what they might find.i have scince found another lump next to the other one and my breast is hot and not looking forward to the mammo because i know its going to hurt,i didnt think i would be going down this road again so soon,i only finnished rads in june,been taking tam scince april and only had an ultra sound back in sept which didnt show anything up,can it come back so soon,i really carn`t face going through the treatment again and im praying all is ok,Bluebell.

Hi Bluebell Can understand how you are feeling tonight, I bet you are still awake:-((
Perhaps it is entirely innocent, being hot and tender sounds a bit like an infection. I shall be praying things are ok . please let us know how you get on girl

((((( lottsa cyber hugs))))))


Hi Bluebell,

Best of luck, will be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed for you! Sure you’ll be OK.

Lots of love and hugs, Jean xx

Panic over Hi Ladys,
Its good news the panics over

The mammo showed it was a swollen gland and nothing else showed up in both breasts,scan showed i had a few tiny cysts in my scar tissue thats all,consultant doesn`t want to see me until next March.

Thank you all for thinking off me,Bluebell.

Great News !! That’s absolutely brill Bluebell, I am so glad to hear the good news. you have been on my mind all day

I bet you are breathing a huge sigh of relief!! Go and celebrate now


So pleased! Hi Bluebell,

So pleased that everything turned out OK, marvellous news! Make sure you celebrate, treat yourself! Take care.

Love Jean xx

Hi Bluebell

Fantastic news.

Deb xxx

Thank Goodness… HI Bluebell

I have only just read your thread and my heart was in my mouth as I was reading them, I was going to say that I too found another little pea size lump after having my mastectomy and after they drained it, it came back that it was gristle from the surgeon going back in to have another look. Anyway I was going to offer this piece of information just to say that it could possibly be the same thing.

Fantastic news!!

Much love Debbie x