For Chloe

For Chloe

For Chloe I have sent you a reply under the no radiotherapy thread.

Let me know if I can help you further.

Just a thought I think you can view reconstructions on the other site.


thanks very much Thanks very much for taking the time and the effort to answer my queries and it has helped - my surgery is next week. Will let you know how I get on,

thanks again, much appreciated ,


thanks Dawn thanks Dawn have just registered so see you there,


Good luck Chloe Not sure when you are going in hospital for surgery but hope I catch you.
Hope all goes to plan and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Best wishes

Hi Kim,

going into Hosp tomorrow Tue (tomorrow) and surgery is on Wed - thanks for your good luck wishes.
Will be in touch when I am out to let you know how I got on,
