For Debzz1 re gallbladder
For Debzz1 re gallbladder Hi Debs,
I just read your post on your gallbladder problems and wanted to pick your brain; I hope you don’t mind!
I too have some upper right sided abdominal pain and have been worried that it is my liver. However, my breast care nurse thinks it sounds like gallstones and I’m to have an ultrasound. Would you mind telling me what your symptoms were?
Thanks so much
ps - you posted your query on the end of a thread that I started ages ago, not that I mind at all but maybe not a lot of people will see it there.
For Carla… Hi, wow that was a quick reply,yes I made a mistake as meant it to be new Post.Not sure if it be moved??Carla Im very worried re Liver etc.I had my scan at 9am & got there 8.30 in my haste to get it looked at.Since rads (no boob) which was bad & I needed dressings,Istarted pain upper right under the ribs.Also ,one night alot of liver pain.I said how worried I was & that if all was not perfect could she give me a vague idea of any problems she had seen.They arent supposed to she said, but after spending alot of the scanning time in my painful area she said my liver looked fatty,but Gallbladder def not right!! Now im all upside down.My tummy is really huge & Ive put on 2stone.Most of my clothes no longer fit especially around the waist.When do you have your scan & what symtoms do you have?I hope all goes well,Ill keep everthing crossed for you,please please let me know what they tell you because its not usual im told.maybe its unrelated to BC.Lots of hugs ,sure you will be fine .Friend told me that if your g bladder is deseased they take it out as you can have a pretty normal life without it.Bye for now,Debs
For Carla ! Im going silly in the head,posted a reply to myself… not to you…OH DEAR…lol.Anyway have a look.byeeee
Hi Debs,
That is great that you were told right away; it’s so worrying waiting for results. I too have no boob and had to have dressing on my burnt skin after rads but that was my left side. The abdominal pain I’m having is right sided. When you say under the ribs do you mean actually underneath the ribcage or do you mean below the bottom rib? How sore was your pain and was it there all the time? My pain is really not that sore, more of a niggle, like a stitch and is not there all the time. It comes and goes. I have put on over a stone during treatment but don’t have a big tummy. I had bloods taken this morning to check for something that may show gallbladder problems and also for liver function. My last liver function test 4 weeks ago was normal. Not sure when my scan will be - hopefully not too long.
What are they going to do with you now that they have found this gallbladder problem, do you know? Best of luck, let me know how it goes and I’ll keep you posted too.
Carla x
hi Carla, The pain is on & below my bottom right rib and is like yours not something that would keep me awake,but as you said like stitch,also I do have other pains on & off in the middle.I havent had a blood test but thats now obviously next.The tenderness is there most of the time 7 makes me want to go braless.Hoping to hear from my BC nurse today but she said thats only by jumping ahead and it may not be poss.I went to Gartnavel for rads & western for the rest.If your liver function was ok 4 wks ago then your liver is healthy,as everything shows up on that.Thats good isnt it, you take care,glad to chat to someone nearer ! Best of luck with everything,its good to hav this website,byeeee Debs x
Sounds pretty similar Debs to what you’re describing; I have a wee bit of pain in the middle too sometimes.
Didn’t realise you were a Glasgow girl too! I had Chemo at Gartnaval (finished Jan)and rads at Western (finished March).
Good luck with all this. It’s a pain in the ar*e isn’t it???
C x
Hi- Feel I’m butting in here but never mind!!
I had gallstones about 2 yrs before my bc diagnosis. The pain was under my rib cage on the right side and was always worse after eating a meal containing any fat eg cheese. For some reason it was worse at night even though Imay have eaten several hours before.My liver function tests were normal at that time and still are. However, if a gall stone gets stuck in the bile duct your LFT may change and you can get jaundiced with that.
When I had the ultrasound I was told straight away that I had gallstones and since then I’ve not noticed any after effects of not having a gall bladder.
I don’t want to add fuel to your worry but liver function tests can stay normal for quite a while with liver mets so my onc told me. It depends where the mets are.
However, it defintely sounds from what one of you said your problem is gallstones and that is really common and a right nuisance. Hope you get it sorted soon.
Hi Kate,
Thanks for your reply and I don’t mind you butting in at all!
The pain I have is sometimes worse after eating but not all the time. It was quite sore for about a day and a half there but has hardly been sore at all today and it is common for it to go away for 3 days at a time.
I’m a nurse so am quite aware that LFT’s can be normal for some time with all sorts going on so I’m really keen to have the ultrasound done to be certain. That’s part of my problem; having knowledge. Although I’m a paediatric nurse and don’t know much about adult ailments I do know my way around the body and sometimes wish I didn’t!
Have you thought about IBS? The large intestine runs just below the liver and down both sides.I’ve had niggley pains for past five months which doctor seems to think is just my IBS which I was dx with whilst on chemo 3+years ago,said liver pains are under the ribs on the side. and are usually constant and more severe!
good news, got my results after some phone calls,they were so nice they knew that I just needed to know and…IM FINE,it WAS clear,well a fatty liver but BC nurse said liver & gallbladder ok & she would see me in Oct.So pleased but from what was said …it was abnormal.Sometimes do you wonder if you are going bonkers???Carla.i was chatting to my daughter she is 30 this july,I said we had been in touch,but maybe on my side I shouldnt have done…shes now v worried,they wont Bracc sreen her or her sisters untill they are 40 .She wondered if you had relatives that had BC? Well Im off to Doc tomorrow as havent had bloods done,after those results I will have to declare Im ok.BUT ,why am I in pain with v swollen tummy???Take care,bye for now, Debs .Let me know when you have your scan Carla. Good luck ,Debs x
Hi Debs,
That’s great news about your scan - what a relief. I was just talking to some fellow BC pals yesterday and we were saying how unfair it is that having cancer does not grant immunity from other illnesses! We all automatically presume that any little twinge is related and forget that that we can still get regular illnesses. Like someone else said on this thread, have you considered irritable bowel syndrome may be attributal to your swollen tummy?
Well, I got my appointment this morning for my scan - next Wednesday! I know thats really quick as my GP only made the referral on Tuesday and now I’m worried that she’s referred me as urgent cause she thinks something is going on. I should be pleased that it is being done so quickly but I’m now totally up to high doe.
There’s absolutely no history of Breast Cancer in my family; I’m the first. Maybe you could post in the family history and genetics forum and someone there could give you some advice for your daughter.
Carla x