For Denio

Hi Denio,
I don’t know whether you saw my last post under the South Wales meet up but it looks like it’s just you and me at the moment. Would you still be interested in meeting up on Tues 1st April at Gliffaes even though there’s just the 2 of us? I’m up for it if you are though I won’t be offended if you’d rather not!!
I’m still hoping to go to the South Bank meet if I’m feeling up to it on 6th May.
Just so as you know a little about me I’m 38, was first diagnosed with primary DC and DCIS in Dec 2002, 6 FEC chemo and 2 yrs Tamoxifen then small recurrance in March 2007 followed by 24 sessions of radio and then just diagnosed a month ago with secondaries to the lungs and lymphatic system following a routine CT scan with no symptoms!
Just started weekly Taxol chemo with Avastin last week.
I’ve not met anyone else with secondaries yet and I’m having all my treatment at home so it does get a bit isolating. I’m keeping positive and keeping working at the moment as I’m only part-time so am trying to keep life as normal as possible for me and my husband.
Anyway that’s me so let me know what you think about April 1st and it isn’t an April Fool!!
Love Anne x


Hi Anne,

I wasn’t sure if you still wanted to meet at Gliffaes as you were starting new treatment. Yes I’d still like to meet doesn’t matter that there are just two uf us, you may talk me into going up to London on 6th May.

I’m 46, soon to be 47. I was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer September 2005, started fec within two days of diagnosis. Four weeks later after bone scan found to have mets to bones, several places in pelvis, shoulders and small patch on neck. Initially down for six courses of chemo and then a decision would be made about surgery. Decision was no surgery as felat that maestectomy would be of no benefit. Had further two rounds of fec as it was dramatically shrinking tumour and I was tolerating it very well. Had 6 week break then and had 34 (I think) sessions of radiotherapy.

Should add ct scan showed no spread to major organs (hopefully situation still the same) but have not been scanned since October 2005. Tumour markets and blood tests all remain very good and onc describes cancer as inactive.

I did go back to work part time as a paralegal but only managed to do six months. It is quite a demanding job and I found the pressure too difficult and my blood pressure went ridiculously high so after three months on the sick I finished work.

I do get to see other secondary patients at my monthly bish bosh infusions but most of the ladies are much older than me apart from two others that I have met but I don’t get to see them regularly as their treatment is three weekly and mine monthly.

Sorry to rabbit on but yes it would be lovely to meet up.


Denio x

Hi Denio,
Good to hear from you and a bit about you. It would be great to meet up. Obviously if I’m not feeling up to it I would let you know at least the day before but after 2 chemos (the second yesterday)am doing well so far so fingers crossed! Also Wednesday is my treatment day so a Tuesday should be the best day to meet hopefully. Just looked at the Gliffaes site and the price says it’s now £9.50 per person which sounds more than I quoted you before but anyway still cheaper than the Ritz! Afternoon tea starts at 4pm so shall we meet just inside the main entrance (in case of rain!) at about 3.45pm
so there’s plenty of food waiting for us!! I think there’s a reception desk as soon as you go in and I don’t think you have to book as they serve it every day and there’s plenty of room but I will check beforehand. I’m about 5 foot 4 and have short fairly dark brown hair but I’m sure we’ll see each other!
I’ll give you my mobile number in a private post nearer the time as I don’t have it on me at the mo and I have to go to badminton now!
Look forward to meeting you on April 1st.

Love Anne x

Hi Anne,

That’s great something to look forward to! I hope you’ll be feeling o.k., but just let me know, no problem!

I’m a short a… barely 5’ with short blonde hair. I’ve no doubt we’ll find one another.

Looking forward to hearing from you before 1st.

Enjoy your badminton.

Love Denio x (Feel daft signing off as Denio all the time, my name is actually Denise but family and friends shorten it to Deni, used Denio as my forum name) x