For Joanne

For Joanne

For Joanne I hope you read my post. I was given the all clear, and I am hoping with all my heart that you get the same.

I will still be popping in here so please let me know how you get on I will be sending happy news vibes.

Love Yvonne x

Fantastic news Yvonne

That is fantastic news. I’ve been popping onto the site all day to see if you had posted. I bet you feel fantastic. I think a nice meal and a glass or two of wine may be in order for you tonight.

I’m so pleased for you and everybody else out there who gets the result they were hoping for.

I called the hospital today, and apparently because I have asked to get my results in writing, it may take longer than a week!!! The doctors secretary is really helpful though and I’m sure she will do what she can to get him to write the letter as soon as possible.

Fingers crossed eh?

Take care


Everythings crossed I hope the secretary can help you out. I think it should be quicker by letter because they dont have to schedule an appointment.

The consultant at Guys told us today that they are trying to reduce the waiting time for results. I hope they succeed it is sooo stressful, I think they realise this and are trying to do something about it.

Good Luck Joanne

Yvonne xx

For Yvonne Hi

Got my results today after a bit of pestering. Best result ever. Turns out to be a fibroadenoma and no further treatment needed.

Just been out for a meal and a drink to celebrate.

Best Wishes


Great News for Joanne, I hope you are feeling OK today. I thought of you yesterday. Hope the waiting isn’t too bad, I’m sure it will be though. At least you have a great husband from the sounds of it. I would be lost without my boyfriend, I just hope I don’t have to give him bad news later today. Stay strong and look after yourself! x