Dear Kate,
I just read your latest blog entry. I hope you come home soon. I am thinking of you. Take it easy and get some proper rest and try not to be too bored!!
Margaret x
Dear Kate,
I just read your latest blog entry. I hope you come home soon. I am thinking of you. Take it easy and get some proper rest and try not to be too bored!!
Margaret x
Thinking of you Kate, havent read the latest blog entry but i gther from this posting K is in hosp.
Hug 4U
Yes, Kate is in hospital. I read Kate’s blog and tried to post a message on it but failed. But anyway I thought her many friends on this site would want to wish her well.
Margaret x
Most certainly do wish her well.
Where do you go to read Kate’s blog.
Hope this is’nt to much of an intrusion.
Regards Linda x
Hi Linda,
I found the blog by chance.
I don’t know whether Kate wants it read by anybody other than her friends or people who have registered on a BC site such as this one - or not. I’m hoping that someone who knows Kate well such as from the Gobby Gang will advise.
Margaret x
I think she would be fine to have anyone looking at it- but i will check for you and hopefully the moderators will let me post up directions
will post latter
Whoops sorry Margaret spelt your name wrong earlier.
It’s one of those days today.
Sorry to hear you are in hospital Kate, wishing you back in the comfort of your own home ASAP.
Oh good will send it to me then as I have lost the link.
Thanks for helping out
Hello and thank you for your lovely messages.
I went into hospital late Easter Monday and now have got out and am at my mum’s for tonight and trying to decide whether to return home (140 miles away) tomorrow or sunday.
Very odd experience as was admitted when the cardiac team were on call and stayed under their care despite there being an oncology ward at the hospital!!! They firstly said I had an ear infection hence the dizziness and sickness and wanted to discahrge me at 2am with a temp of 38!! I refused. The next morning they decided that I could go home and then said no as my wbc low and needed mega antibiotics. 2 days later, the blood cultures from the hickman line grew staph aureus but were waiting for sensitivity. Suddenly today they said it was ‘skin contamination’ and I could go home with no antibiotics. My temperature is still a little up but only 37.3 but my white blood cell count is dropping.
My onc wants me back at his hospital but there are no beds so have left my mum’s hospital and will contact him on monday or sooner if feel ill again.
I had an MRI on my spine yesterday which seems to show only the existing bony mets and not new ones so they think my severe back pain is due to my leg shortening cos of the bony met in left hip and pelvis. However, it seems my hip is bad so will have to chase the full report whem I see my onc on thursday if not before.
Re my blog - am happy for anyone to read and comment. I don’t know why sometimes it allows comments and other times it doesn’t. If you google my usename and blog, I think it shows you where it is.
Thank you once again for all your support and feel now in waiting game to see if I can have chemo next week as it was due yesterday and already can feel the tumour pushing on my oesophagus - very scary.
Hope everyone here is doing Ok and either I or other people I know from this and other sites will update you if anything new happens.
I really do appreciate all your messages - thank you so much
Hi Kate,
Sending you best wishes, you always seem to answer my questions on the other site, so sending best wishes and good vibes to you
Hi Kate - fingers crossed for you honey…Hope you are back on your feet soon…
Hi Kate,
Best wishes from me. Good vibes coming your way.
Margaret x
Hi Kate
You are always in my thoughts and i hope that your chemo will go this week according to plan. It is great to see that you are home and posting again.
I hope you are feeling better.
I did have my chemo today so pleased as my swallowing is gettting difficult after 5 weeks with no chemo.
Will post later but shoulder/back is so painful at mo and need to get kids to bed.
thanks for your support
Hello, hope you are ok after your chemo. I listened to your interviews on the podcasts the other day and it was great to put a voice to a name. Thanks for your input. I made it more ‘real’ for me to hear some one talking about bc secondaries or primaries rathere than just reading about it.
Rach x
Hi Kate,
Just sending love and a hug
Jacquie x
Thanks for your replies.
I’m glad I made the podcast but cos of the length of time I rambled on, it was hugely edited which is not surprising cos you’d of got bored by the end. I was just getting over losing my voice after a cold so don’t normally sound quite like that.
I hope it was useful - I always like to meet others and hear others speak rather than just see the written word.
Feeling much better now after chemo last week reduced my pain, improved my breathing and swallowing - shame it never has a long term effect.
Thanks for your support.
Hi Kate,
Glad you had a lovely time on the IoW and that you are feeling good.
Best wishes as always.
Margaret x
Could someone send me the link to the blog please and thank you.