I visited Kate yesterday at the hospice but only stayed half an hour as she was very breathless and now on a syringe driver for morphine. Her husband and mum were there and Kate just wanted us all to hold her hand so that she knew we were there. She is very drowsy now and all that can be done is to make her as comfortable as possible. I thought everyone especially the secondary ladies would appreciate and update about Kate.
Rachy xxx
Thank you for the update Rachy. I hope Kate can continue to be made as comfortable as possible and am sure she will have lots of people holding her hand now, both in person and virtually by lots of forum members
Lesley xx
Thank you Rachy - I really hope that Kate gets all the love, comfort and hand holding that she needs at this time. I was moved to read her blogsite after someone mentioned it on here a few weeks ago - I have to say it was amazing, and it makes me emotional just thinking about it as I write this post - she is a truly remarkable lady and I hope she knows just how much positive impact she continues to have on others … her family must also be very proud of her.
Love Sue xx
I was wondering how Kate was, she is in my thoughts and I’m sure the thoughts of many others
Thanks for the update - and much love for Kate and her family…
Theresa x
I’ve been thinking about Kate alot recently, especially after reading her recent blog posts. I marvel at how articulately and disarmingly she can write about such a wretched topic. I’m glad she has plenty of hands to hold right now and I hope she is comfortable and pain-free.
lots of love
I have been thinking about Kate a lot the last few days and noticed she hadn’t updated her blog. I hope you are as comfortable as possible and have peace,
love Kate, x
Rachy, thanks for letting us know, like others I had been wondering about Kate…I hope she is as comfortable as is possible…Love to you both…x.x.
I had been wondering about Kate too. One of the reasons I came on after such a long time. I hope that she is comfortable and glad that she has her family with her. Much love to her and them, SunnyBear xx
I am saddened to read from Kates blog that she passed away yesterday.She was an inspiration to alot of people. My sincere condolences to Family, friends and of course all members of the GobbyGang
Has anybody read her blog today?
I did a few minutes ago… bless you Kate…
Theresa x
Just read it, hoping you are in the arms of the angels Kate, such a sad loss of a lovely life, hoping you are at peace and your family find some comfort,
love Kate xxx
I have just read Kate’s blog, and I feel so desperately sad. Although I never met Kate, I felt, through reading her posts and her blog, that I knew her, if that makes sense. Her courage, her zest for life, and her love for her family and many friends always shone through. She was so brave, so inspirational, and a credit to her family. They must be so devastated, yet so proud of this lovely lady. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
Rest in peace, dear Kate. You will be missed, and I will never forget you.
So very sorry and sad to hear this news. Thinking of her family and many friends xxx
Rest in Peace Kate…my sincere condolences to your family…Love Belinda…x
Such sad news, I only met Kate about six weeks ago at the Bristol meet, she was such an inspiration. Love to all your family and friends, rest in peace
Lesley xx
I have just read Kate’s blog and I am so very sad to read that Kate is no longer with us.
I was very lucky to meet Kate in Bristol with the other ladies and she was just as I had imagined. A truly lovely gentle soul. I send my condolences to her family at this very sad time.
R.I.P. Kate and thank you for all the kind words that we have shared on this forum and bc pals.
Love Debsxxx
I read her blog a few hours ago - I never met Kate but always took the time to answer my queries about my Mum when she was diagnosed and me and my mum really appreciated it. Even when my mum passed away couple of months ago I still came on to the site to see how Kate was doing.
I hope you are at peace now, thanks for everything you did you truly were amazing!
Vicky xx
I have followed Kates blog since my own diagnosis last year and am so sad to read that her fight has come to an end.
Rest in peace with the angels Kate, you were an inspiration to us all.