For Lizziecee

For Lizziecee

For Lizziecee Hi Liz

You’re really going through it, aren’t you? I think my husband would be the same (try to keep it all contained), whilst I need to get it all out of my system. At least on here, you can do that, without any fear of repercussion.

The Crohn’s sounds ghastly, and to have had bc on top! Life is so bl**dy unfair.

I hope that things get better for you both soon.


Crohn’s, bc and now hubby ill… Hi Mcgle,
thanks for your reply. meant such a lot to me. I felt such a whimp when posting, feeling better today as I’ve started antibiotics again and no dreaded diarrohea. I spend a fortune on cotton knickers (so I can boil them!) but luckily have friends in the United States that bring me 6 packs of Haynes pants for 5. One day, the general population will get some understanding of Crohn’s (it is bad enough having breast cancer) and that we can talk openly about it. Nobody wants to talk about bowel problems! The last taboo in medical problems I think. I see my gastro 7th Sept but don’t hold out much hope for a miraculous treatment - he tells me I have “empirical problems” and there is no easy solution. I am injecting myself with methotrexate once a week and now, after 3 years since chemo, he is getting concerned about mtx and my previous cancer problem. Sometimes I just want to spit and feel in a big, black hole. Time to go back under the duvet.

Thank you for caring.

Reply for Liz You’re right. ‘Bottom problems’ seem to be a bit of a joke with some people, but no laughing matter if you are the person having them! So it is not surprising that you are feeling so down at present.

I wish I could give you some crumbs of comfort. It must be awful with both of you so worried.

Sometimes I look at people and wonder why everything goes right for them - you know, health, successful careers, clever kids etc. But do these things make them better citizens? I don’t think so.

All we can do is battle on and support one another.

Best wishes
