For Mounties

For Mounties

For Mounties Hi Mounties,
This site is brilliant isn’t it, it’s a two way thing, being able to discuss with others in the same situation and also being able to see views from others’ perspectives. I too have gained so much insight into what it is like for my partner by reading others’ posts, a level of understanding I couldn’t have got from my partner’s words alone. We are all individuals and respond to having to deal with cancer in our own way, I am glad the humour helps, it may seem offensive to some perhaps, but that is how we deal with it, its our way.
I think you should rephrase your thinking of ‘what I am putting my husband and sons through’ to ‘what cancer is putting us through’, its not your ‘fault’. Wether the person with cancer or the people around that person, when it comes into our lives, I doubt that any of us dealiing with our feelings will not at numerous times be landing a blow on our loved ones, unintetionally or otherwise. But, as I see it, the strength of the love and the relationships is being able to take those blows
One thing that has kept my partner and I going, is to have ‘treats’, something to look forward to after each treatment, and even more special ones at the end of treatment. The chemo will make you feel like c**p for a number of days, but as soon as you get a good day, do something that makes you feel good, no matter how frivolous or ‘naughty’II It will give you something to look forward to, and look back on, in the bad days. It’s like being in a waiting room, waiting alone is no fun, but if you can pick up a good book or magazine or get involved in a good conversation, the time passes quicker and its not so bad.
I wish you the very best for the treatment ahead and look forward to reading your ‘warts n’ all’ progress.

T x