Oh and forgot to say that I started taking the tamo at night before bed about 5 days ago and feel much better and a lot less tired in the evenings. kx
Hi Kaz
Any side effects from your Tamoxifen? How long altogether have you been taking it?
I felt really sick today (my 2nd day taking it). Karen on another thread suggested I take 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 later in the day.
Did you get any sicky feelings initially? Sorry for all the questions!
Cecelia. x
Hi Cecelia,
I’ve been taking Tamoxifen since September and have had no nausea, except for the one time I took it in the morning. I always take it last thing at night and I think the general concensus is that you just sleep through the immediate side effects such as nausea. I do get achey these days and I am permanently tired, but no nausea.
Try taking it at night (I also write the days of the week on my packs so I can see if I’ve missed any - severe memory loss also being a side effect!).
Sally xx
Great, thanks Sally. I’ll give that a go
Lots of love
Cecelia. x
… and thanks too Kaz!
Cecelia. x
Hi Cecelia.
Messed up a bit with the topics…have posted too under 3rd week. I took mine in the morning but now like Sally take last thing at night. haven’t had any real side effects since then but they do say it can take up to 30 days to get into the system and I guess we are going to be living with the long term effects. So all we can do is hope that they won’t effect us too much. Got my dates for Rads today, start 14th Jan, my choice asked them to hold off until after Christmas.
Let me know how you get on and I hope you are feeling less sick today.
Kaz x
I was taking mine in the mornings as I have other medication that I take then. However, changed to night last weekend, and I am sleeping much better now.
Hi All
Feeling nauseous today so took 1/2 and will do the other 1/2 later. That doesn’t work I’ll try it at night, scared if I do I’ll wake up in the night feeling sick. I have bought some travel bands today so hope they help make it ease a bit.
I could be the Tramadol painkillers I suppose so I’m not taking them at all today and sticking with Ibuprofen. What a minefield!
If it is the Tamoxifen I’m sure my body will get used to it and it will ease in time.
Thanks all
Cecelia. x
Assuming you are on the standard dose (20mg I think?) you can get Tamoxifen in 10mg tablets instead from your GP to make it easier to split the dose. I know someone who did this and their hot flushes are much less now.
Hi Roadrunner
Yes, they are 20mg, feeling much better after using the travel bands but am now achy, may be because I have just walked quite a long way. So I’ll see how I get on.
If it remains a problem I’ll ask for 10mg doses, very good idea!
Cecelia. x
Hello Ladies
Sorry if I am being a bit thick but I start my Tamoxifen tomorrow and so have been paying attention to this thread. If you take it late at night do you have to take it with food and does anyone know why it has to stay in its blister pack until you take it. I normally put my tablets in a box with a bit for each day. Start rads on Thursday so getting nervous now
Hello Hilary,
My Onc advised me to take it with food, preferably with my main evening meal. Thanks for the warning over the tablet having to stay in the blister pack, didn’t know this - like you I was planning to put them in pill box so I could keep track of what I have taken for the day - memory not so good these days.
I’ve been taking Tamoxifen since July and for quite a few months I felt constantly nauseous. I also bought the travel bands and found them to be invaluable.
I also found soda water to be my greatest friend.
I take mine straight after my evening meal, which I feel is good for me…about 6pm ish…
When I changed my brand to Nolvadex-D, I really began to feel better and now 5 months on, I am feeling fine, still a little tired, but that could be because I’m terribly out of condition.
I am on Nolvadex D - have been from the start. Take mine in the morning because that’s when I take other medication, so I have an established routine. Feel a bit nauseous, which I can cope with as it puts me off eating and consequently I appear to be losing a bit of weight. The thing about all this that is really beginning to get me down is the overwhelming sense of tiredness that I have been experiencing over the last few weeks. I started taking Nolvadex in the summer - maybe now it has finally over taken my system. It’s a kind of bone dead tiredness, similar to when I was taking epirubicen - I just want, no need to sleep - loads; but even when I do, I still wake up tired. Weird or what?
I tried taking Nolvadex but this gave me very sore and tired legs amongst the sweats etc.I used to go to the gym 4 times a week for an hour at a time but when i took this make of Tamoxifen i couldnt even go for 5 mins on the bike because i was in agony with my legs. I have now canged to CP which i find i can take in the morning i have sweats but they are few and far between and the tiredness is also not as bad. I think the tiredness that we are experiencing is the kind that sleep doesnt even help. I have no leg pain only in the morning my feet hurt just for a few minutes then im fine. Guess each make of Tamoxifen is different as we are and its a case of trial and error.
PS Im now losing weight without trying!!!
Allison x