Hi, another newbie, found a very slight dimple on the underside of my left breast when I raise my arm on Saturday. After a very tearful couple of days where I imagined the very worst, I saw my GP this morning who described it as “subtle” and probably nothing to lose sleep over however it would be best to check it out. Clinic called me this afternoon and I am in next Tuesday morning.
Feeling very anxious and scared, I have a 12 year old son, my Mum was diagnosed at virtually the same age as I am now (47) and I was a year or so younger. I lost my Mum after her cancer spread and I am scared that history is repeating itself. Reading the internet is a mistake as I’ve read on a few sites that dimpling is often a sign of serious cancer. Trying to be busy and not think about it, but it keeps sneaking up on me. I know there are a number of us in the “waiting room” lets hope it’s not a long wait to get some answers.
Hi Sonja101. Sorry you have found yourself here. Waiting for appointments is the worst time as your mind will be in overdrive. We’ve all been there, looking on the internet is so tempting, but do try to keep off it! Keep yourself busy - it’s hard I know. The helpline on this website is brilliant if you need a chat. I didn’t have dimpling, but I’m sure someone will be along soon to let you know their experiences. You done the right thing so far getting it looked at, keep in your mind the GPs reaction describing it as ‘subtle’ and probably nothing to lose sleep over
Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums where I am sure you’ll get lots of good support from the many informed users of this site.
While you are waiting for your hospital appointment I have put for you below links to some of BCC’s publications you might find helpful to read. As well as these, as pinkrose has said, the BCC helpline is here to support you through this. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-2.
Hi Sonja,
Sorry you have found yourself here, but you are in the right place for help and support. The good thing is that you noticed it early, before it got bigger - early action is always the best action.
Last April I noticed a dimple in exactly the same place, I only got it checked because my mum, aunt & cousin have all survived breast cancer. I am 47 too with 2 daughters, one aged 14 the other is 22.
After a lumpectomy and a sentinal node biopsy it had spread to my lymph nodes, which I also had removed in another op. Because of my age and the fact that lymph nodes were involved I then went on to have chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which I finished 6 weeks ago. I have stayed very stong and very positive all the way through my treatment (I’m sure this helps - eventhough its hard). I have good role models with my mum, aunt & cousin all surviving.
I hope this week passes quickly for you and that you get some answers quickly. Waiting is the worst part of all of this - the not knowing drove me crazy, but please feel free to message me if you want to chat.
Try not to “read up” on things, it can scare the sh*t out of you. Try to keep busy - I know thats easier said than done, but you will get lots of support on here, I know I did and it helped me so much and if I can do anything to help, please let me know
Just to point out you’ve only filled in the membership form for this club, you still might be rejected and you’ll be leaving The Waiting Room by the permanent exit. We all have things crossed for you.
If you DO want to do some reading, the links that Jo BCC gave would be a good start, but you’re right you need to be judicious in your choice of sites.
And you have most certainly found the right site by coming here. Feel free to post if you want, ask questions, browse, laugh, cry and scream with us, we know exactly what you’re going through right now, as we’ve all been there.
AS already said, hopefully it’s nothing sinister, but even if it is, I was a ‘dimple’ rather than a lump lady and I celebrate 2 years since diagnosis this month!!
I too had dimple in exactly same place and only really noticed it after I had been called for an early mammo at 49 as my 26 year old daughter had been diagnosed. I had no lump that could be felt.
I did have cancer but am now post surgery and chemo, on radiotherapy at the moment and both me and daughter intend living to 100!
My mum, aunt and gran all had it and lived til old age.
I also have other kids aged 29, 24, 10 and 8 as well as daughter with it.
Please don’t be scared…i know thats hard and you will be terrified but take a deep breath…
If it turns out to be something sinister…they will plan some treatment and get you sorted as you will have found it early…big hugs xx
How lovely to log in after a day of pretending the world is normal to find all your lovely messages, Thank-you so much. It’s hard to have to keep it to yourself. My sister and a close friend knows and I have told my boss, lest she think I am even more flaky at work than usual.
I’m trying not to write the script of my future in my head, loud music, catching up on CSI episodes and a small glass of wine help. I’ve listened to all sorts on the radio at night and I am losing myself in very tedious documents at work.
I’ve read through the leaflets about the clinic - I think the one here is a “one-stop-shop” - would they be able to give me an indication of what they find or would I have to go back again another day for results? I’m just debating whether I should take the whole day off work for it or just the morning.
It depends on what they have to do, and how you cope with it.
I had mammogram, ultrasound and quite a few core biopsy samples taken. As it happens my appointment was in the afternoon, but I think I would have been ok to go to work afterwards.
You may well have to wait for results, as biopsies are sent off to a lab, but the doc who does the ultrasound may or may not give you an indication. Mine was totally dead-pan and gave no indication at all, but others have had immediate feedback, either to say “it looks like it’s fine” or “it’s not looking brilliant” and have had to wait for proper results.
Well done for keeping your head together, the distraction techniques you mention are tried and tested!
Hi love-here’s hoping its nothing.Most one-stop clinics will give you some results on the day.‘Subtle’ is an odd word isnt it?It’s what my surgeon said when he examined my lump [found on mammo].
Good Luck
Hello all you lovely ladies. I’m sure you know already the relief of this forum of seeing all your own feelings and fears are normal.
Today has been pretty good, I even slept for 5 hours last night. I had a tearful moment today when I played a piece of music for the class I was teaching, I had to step out to compose myself but was able to use it to illustrate the point I was making about music evoking emotion.
I find myself imagining telling people I have BC, but to stop wallowing in self-pity I turn it into a movie scene and describe it in terms of the screenplay directions…
Scene 1 - sad looking redhead woman sitting in drs office, the male distinguished looking consultant walks in holding a medical file. “my dear - its cancer” the red headed woman looks away and tears begin to gently fall…
Somehow that makes it all seem as silly as it is, I also replay that scene with the consultant coming in and saying - “it’s your age dearie - you just have to accept you have wonky tits” - that makes me laugh.
I apologise for this rambling post and suspect it makes little sense.
I’m another one who found a dimple - sounds exactly like yours. I ignored it for a couple of weeks as it was so slight that I just wondered if it had always been like that (saw it by chance - I never look at my breasts in the mirror with my arms above my head, so couldn’t be sure).
A few weeks later I found a lump in the shower so was straight off to the CP who told me it would almost certainly be a cyst due to my age (44 at the time).
I went to a on-stop shop for mammo and went on my own because I was fairly confident, but then was sent for ultrasound and could see straight away that it wasn’t. Both the ultrasound operator and the consultant said they weren’t happy and did biopsies. I came away positive that I had BC and I was right. They wound’t come out and say it until they’d got the path results but it was vey clear what the specialists and the BC nurse thought.
That was the worst bit for me and I really wished I’d got someone with me. The BC told me that she thought the appointment letter should tell you to bring someone with you and I would totally agree with that. If you suspect bad news you need someone else there.
I did Google after that but made myself stop once I’d found this site - it’s so much better than anything else out there and talking to people on here is brilliant.
Actually going back to be told the final news was much easier - there were no tears (I’d done with crying by then) and the consultant was so matter of fact that it made it really helped. No sad face, no expressions of “I’m so sorry…” - so I was able to stay rational and ask questions.
I had my op on Christmas Eve and am now half way through chemo. None of it has been as bad as I feared.
Good luck to you, and if it is bad news please come back and chat to us all - and if it’s good news come and tell us too, so that we can all do a celebratory dance in your honour!
Hi Jane, thanks for the good wishes. I very rarely look at my breasts in the mirror, and have no idea what made me decide to have a look really.
A friend was going to come with me to my appointment but she has to work so I will probably go on my own. My sister has offered but she lives down south and I would hate for her to arrange cover at work, come all this way to find that it is nothing.
Letter came today so it’s official, so had a G&T to celebrate opening the letter. Am managing to exist in denial but feel as though I am in the twilight zone. 5 more sleeps till I find out if all this anxiety and associated comfort eating/drinking was necessary.
Scans came back clear as did the biopsy which showed that my skin is losing its elasticity a.k.a. droopy boobs hence the dimpling! The Drs were great though and said I had done the right thing in getting it checked out. Thanks for all the support I got here whilst going through that awful waiting business. Hope everything comes up roses for you.