Found a lump...the long version

Hi Chick,
I know how you feel, it’s the worst feeling waiting around, but i’m sure it will be fine, like i say i was told after my triple assessment that they suspected cancer, so the fact they have said it’s probably nothing to worry about is good news surely? Put it out of your mind for now, go shopping or go out with friends, anything to take your mind off of it, it does work, trust me that’s my plan for the next 6 months which will hopefully see me through Chemo :slight_smile: good Luck x

hi ladies have my apt for nxt fri 14th went to see gp today told her had a bad feeling bout things and she said was rite to prepare myself for bad news cos of the indent and lump and my age 54 she gave me a light sleeping tablet and said she would be thinking of me and that the results should be in on the day! Hope so x .

Hi Maggie, I’m sorry you are going through this as well, it is the worst place to be as i’m sure everone will be, of course it doesn’t mean that your news will be bad news, nobody knows until you have the tests, i have a lump but no indentation yet i still have BC so ot sure if this always means he worst, keep positive, trust me it’s not easy for me to say that :slight_smile: x

tanx cazzer when I know what it is I can deal with as every says on here it is just filling the days until next week x

Hi ladies how are we all feeling today?

I’ve been going through a mixture of emotions waiting for my results which I should get Thursday.
maggie, wishing you all the luck in the world for friday hun and fingers crossed for Friday!


apointment tomorrow girls here’s hoping.

Fingers crossed for you maggie, please let us know xx

Hi WittyBee, how are you doing? i have appointment on monday for mammo and ultrasound. I just cant wait monday!