Found a lump

Hi everyone
I recently found a lump in my breast like a week ago and it is possible that I have cancer. I have been to the doctors and was referred to the specialist by my GP. I’m feeling very nervous about the appointment which is next week. My nipple has turned inwards which is what made me suspect that this could be cancer. I’m feeling very depressed about it and I don’t know what to do?


I also have a lump in my breast. Went to have my mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy last Thursday and go for results next Monday. It’s worrying but try to stay positive. I’ve googled every website possible since my tests and it really doesn’t help believe me. Have read lots of threads on this forum and has made me feel a whole lot better tbh. From what I’ve read even if it is the dreaded c it’s not the end of the world. It can be cured and people do get on with their lives. Thinking of you and wish you the best of luck x

Thanks for your support sian1974. I really appreciate it! I have decided not to have treatment for the cancer(if it is cancer) I have a family history of the illness and I have watched my sister die from it. She was very sick and tired mainly because of the chemotherapy she had. I don’t want to go through that too. Also my uncle had lung cancer and unfortunately he is not alive today. I have decided to have the alternative medicine called vitamin b17. Fingers crossed it will be effective against the cancer.
Once again thanks for the support!

Hi ladies, I always struggle to know what to say when I read that people want to refuse treatment, I absolutely respect your right to do as you please but if you are diagnosed then the treatment you fear so much is going to be the thing that gives you the best chance of survival in the long term, I lost my mum to Breast cancer some years ago and more recently a very dear friend, both went through various treatments so I know it’s not always a rosy outcome but this only made me more determined to do whatever was necessary when I was diagnosed as nothing scared me more than dying and in my mind this was a dead cert eventually without treatment, I truly hope you are both given the all clear and you never have to face your worst fears but I and many others here can tell you that none of it is how you will be imagining, it does end and you come out the other side! Xx Jo 

Hi Ab1983 and JustSomeoneElse,


Ab, I am wondering what the outcome was, as you posted in June? How are you doing and what was your diagnosis?

Googling is, unfortunately, not always a good way to approach a possible diagnosis. We often read distressing stories and outcomes and do not look at the date they were posted.Many are from a long time ago. Diagnosis and treatment has come such a long way and are getting better all the time. There are now many trials and immuno therapy is also showing positive signs. The horror stories and pictures from many years ago are not true anymore today.

Unfortunately there are many companies and people out there preying on our fears and vulnerabilities - talking about alternative treatments, generally very expensive, with very little and questionable research backing up their claims. 

It may be worth remembering that every cancer diagnosis is different and the recommended treatment path is hence different, too. Some cancers are more treatable than others, some chemo treatments are more challenging for some. Chemo is not the same for different cancers. 

Losing someone close to you to a type of cancer is a very challenging situation, especially if you also may face a cancer diagnosis. It must be so very frightening. However, it does not mean that the path you may take will be the same as theirs. The path to a bc diagnosis involves many stages and the waiting for the relevant results can be harrowing and very stressful for many. Should a diagnosis be made, a team of varying specialisms will surround you and advise with regards to the best route to take for your specific diagnosis. There are not only different types of breast cancer, but also differing stages and grades. Therefore there are many different ways of treating it.

All treatment decisions are made with us and the final decision will always be ours.

I personally chose the ‘traditional’ path and also used/use some complimentary additional methods, as long as they were/are not contraindicative to the medical treatment I was/am receiving. I would not feel confident, that I did everything I could to beat breast cancer, if I only would have used ‘alternative’ therapies. I would dread the moment,  where I might be told the cancer is still there or has returned - should I only have used alternative therapies - and that it might turn out that it is now terminal. I would only have myself to blame and would regret having made the wrong choices at a time, when I could have done more to become healthy again and stay so.

Sue xx