Found hard pea sized lump. Breast clinic appointment in 2 weeks and so scared.

Hi everyone.
I recently found a hard pea sized lump at the side of my left breast a few weeks ago. I have been referred by my GP to a breast clinic. I have the appointment on the 5th of Jan. My GP told me this is a ‘one stop shop’ appointment. I got my letter from the hospital today and it advises that I may be approximately 2-3 hours at the appointment and advises I bring a relative/friend. I am so scared because from what I always remember from reading about breast cancer signs - the thing that’s sticking in my head is to look out and feel for “hard pea sized lumps”. I dont know how I’m going to take my mind off this until the 5th Jan

Hi KatieLou, 

I am sorry to hear you are going through this anxious time and I am sure of our users will be offering their support and advice very soon. 

In the meantime please do call our support lineat 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about the lump you have found and offer a friendly ear.

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Assistant 

Hi KatieLou. Yes, appointments at breast clinics can take a long time because they allow time for examinations, mammogram/s, ultrasound and biopsies.  No-one really wants to be at a breast clinic, so the atmosphere in the waiting room can be quite oppressive.  I never seem able to concentrate on reading and don’t find conversation easy either, but it is much better to have someone there to support you even if you sit in silence most of the time!  


I’ve had investigations at three different breast clinics and the atmosphere has been different at each one.  At the best one (a tertiary hospital where all the tests and examinations are conducted within the breast clinic) the staff were all lovely and treated me with great care and respect.  At the worst I felt like a piece of meat on a very slow conveyor belt, repeatedly traipsing from the clinic to radiography and back again :frowning:  I hope your experience is as good as it can be in the circumstances.  


One small thing that helps keep your dignity is to wear a stretchy vest top under your top.  When you need to undress, you can keep that on and roll it down for examinations/tests and then roll it back up again straight away rather than having to move around or stand up half naked.  


Wishing you all the best for Tuesday.  Do post again - I’m sorry you didn’t get a quick reply to your original post, but the forum users are a very welcoming and supportive bunch.


Tat x

Hi. Sorry, I didn’t see your post until it has been bumped up today. I had a pea size lump 18 years ago that turned out to be a fibroadenoma. I had it removed cos the biopsy was inconclusive. I’ve more recently had biopsies taken again on 2 areas in the same boob and have the results tmw. The waiting is hard, waiting for appointments and then test results. The stats are on our side though as most lumps, cell changes are benign. That won’t stop you worrying though. I did find it useful to have someone with me at my appointments which unfortunately here in spain were on different days. I’ve now been waiting 4.5 weeks for my biopsy results!! Best wishes and let us know how it goes. There’s a few of us in the “waiting room” at the moment… Take a look at the other threads in the waiting for appointments section. Xx

Thank you so much for the reassuring words. I’ve read through a lot if posts and comments on the forum and I do feel a lot more prepared. I’ll keep you all updated - thanks so much again xx