Found lump in breast

Hi im new here i found q lump under my arm pit 3months ago and the doct said waa a lynth node and will go away it did but 3 weeks after i found this one didn’t go doctors as Jimmy was in out hospital all month my 14 month old son so i forgot but went last Thursday and the doctor examined me and refered me to hospital within 48 hours they contacted me i have to go Friday morning to aee consultants im worried sick and i keep thinking im imaging it and it will go away i keep prodding it make sure its there my heads very done in i dont know what do im 34 two kids had cancer in both sides of the family to i just been feeling amd found another there odd i cant explain them but there there and i have a feeling its not good news juat want Friday hurry

Hi Tam,

I’m sorry to hear you’re worried about this. It sounds like you’ve done all the right things by securing an appointment for Friday. We also have some information on waiting for appointments which I hope can help: As well as the information, you may find this area of the Forum useful too:

Take care,

Becca at Breast Cancer Care.