Does lightning strike in same place twice? I had lump out plus dcis round it in December 2003, radiotherapy in March 2004 and no treatment since except a couple of years of tamoxifen.
I hadn’t expected left breast to start getting bigger but put it down to old age, I am now 66. Then I thought I would give it a feel and found the three lumps. I have asked to go to the Royal Marsden as they have a one stop clinic which can diagnose you in 4 hours after a range of tests.
I didn’t want to go to my local hospital as they could only do a mammogram on 9 May. I want a definitive diagnosis. Also I believe in going to cancer centres of excellence rather than small general hospitals…
Sadly, lightening does strike twice or thrice in the same place. However, you don’t yet know the lumps are malignant. As you say, a raft of tests and a speedy diagnosis are great but not even a Regional Centre of Excellence can speed up results right now. You may get an opinion on the day of your appointment and hopefully you’ll get some test results but there is more and more waiting as hospital staff fall down with covid, leave in disillusionment or labs simply are overwhelmed with the demand for their services.
I’m treated at St James’s in Leeds and I can’t fault the work of my MDT but it’s hard knowing there’s a delay on test results, a source of huge anxiety to many. I’m lucky it’s only a 25 minute drive away. I think during treatment, the shorter the journey time, the better.
I wish you all the best for your diagnosis. Take care x