Hi Marion,
I’m sorry you had further bad news today, but as the others have said, there are ladies on here with good positive stories of liver mets.
Can’t help re the chemo but I hope whichever you chose does a good job without too many SE.
With love Julie
Hi Marion, just a little note of encouragement I hope.
I too have mets in the bones and liver and was diagnosed with the secondaries a year ago next month. To get the liver under control I was on Taxol once a week for 18 weeks, and I had zometa every 3 weeks for the bones. Herceptin every 3 weeks as well.
Its now a year on and I am not on any liver chemo just now, only the zometa and herceptin. There has not been a huge improvement in the liver but it is stable for the moment. I feel well just a bit tired sometimes.
Bloody shit disease tho isn’t it, but thankfully there is treatment out there and if one doesn’t work my oncologist told me there are several others to try.
Good luck with your treatement.
Jackie X
Hi Marion, I only came across your post this afternoon and I am sorry I didn’t see it sooner. I “know” many of the ladies who have already replied to you and we have all given each other support at different times. Sometimes we support others then sometimes we need a bit of help ourselves.
I have had bone mets for 11 years and have been on different medications and treatments over the years. I have various painkillers and have had some short sessions of radiotherapy for problem areas…which have worked I am pleased to say. I have also had a few courses of chemotherapy but not the ones you mention. My health at the moment is stable and when I saw my Oncologist recently she told me to enjoy the summer as she doesn’t need me back until September/October. Last yeat I was on chemo all summer so I plan to really enjoy my freedom from treatment this year.
We are here to listen to you and try to answer any queries you have as best we can. Someone is bound to know the answer from our accrued personal knowledge of mets. I have mets in my Spine, ribs, sternum and pelvis and when I was diagnosed I too like Dawn thought my time was running out. It needn’t be. I was first diagnosed with breast cancer 21 years ago when I was 39 and am now 60…never thought I would see the day. Keep in touch. We will. Love Val
Dear Marion, I’m sorry to hear your news. I, too, have liver and bone mets - I was diagnosed this year, mid-January. My original diagnosis was in 2006 - grade 3 with no nodes involved. To say my latest diagnosis came as a shock is a massive understatement. It has taken until recently for me to come to terms with what has happened and now I pretty much feel ok and have accepted the situation.
I can’t help you with your specific treatment but can tell you what I have had and, no doubt, others will be along to give you support and share their knowledge. I’ve just finished a 6-cycle course of capecitabine (oral chemo) and am now having a break with my next scan in 2 months or so. I’m now taking bondronat for my bones (daily tablet) and will be put on a hormone treatment (can’t remember name - either zometa or zolodex) that will be adminstered via injection from my GP.
After 5 treatments my onc said my liver function was normal. I’ve not had too much pain and although I feel a bit more tired now, I haven’t had any bad side effects - this chemo was 100% easier for me than my original treatment - I often forgot that I was having chemo.
On a practical note - whether you’re working or not - you should apply for Disability Living Allowance which is a non-means tested payment which you should automatically receive. Ask at your hospital as you will need someone to fill this out for you.
Sorry for bombarding you! Feel free to pm me if you need too.
We’re all behind you.
Alison x
Hi All
I am new here. I recently discovered a leg pain after 5 years which I did’nt imagine to be bone pain. I had breast cancer 5 years ago very small with no spread.Yesterday I had a session of radiotherapy.In 3 weeks I will have a chemo of Taxetol. There has been no mention of biophosphates. I was told by the oncologist that most women can survive for up to 18 months and some longer. Cheery chap. Do the bones always break ? I have wanted to go away for a week before my chemo and yet I am afraid in case anything else happens. What do you think ?
Hello Molly12, Acording to the knowledge I have been given it is unusual for bone mets to go to the legs. It usually enteres the spine, and main torso. I have been on medication for this for 11 years and it was in my spine pelvis, ribs and thorax. I think it unlikely that the problem you have in you leg is due to bone mets. But the pain down your leg could be due to sciatica and the drug amitriptylene can help with the pain. I take one tablet every evening and it has helped really well. The pain has gone. Perhps biphosphonates are not appropriate for you and the pain you are having. To cheer uyou up I have had bone mets for 11 years and although the condition varies at times…at the moment I am as good as I have been for a long time. I hope your Consultant can sort out your pain problems. Do you have a doctor at your hospital who helps with people with pain? I saw one and her advice was invaluable. Keep in touch please.
Everyone else I hope you get your DLA sorted out soon. LOve val
Hi Scottish lass
Its definately in my leg at the top near my hip. Has anyone else had a cancer in this area ?
Sorry Molly,
my mets are at the top of the femur!
I have been today for a bone biopsy to check. They are possibly going to remove it all by doing a ‘proximal femur removal’ which is basically a hip replacement but removing the top of the femur and attaching the ball joint to a longer prothesis lower down on the femur.
But please don’t panic, as I too was told that mets occur most frequently in the ‘middle section’ hips, spine, ribs, sternum!
If it helps, even with this I didn’t have pain in my leg, it felt more like a joint/muscle strain.
I hope I’m not worrying you…but you did ask
Take care and fingers crossed it’s something else
Nicky xx
I have just re-read your post, have you actually been diagnosed with bone mets? It sounds as if you have, with talk of rads and chemo etc, but I was responding after Val’s comment, so I don’t think that I fully answered your question…sorry, any questions (as I am new to all this too and have quite extensive bone mets in my Upper thigh.) please pm me at any time,
Take care Nicky xx
Hi Molly, I was diagnosed with breast cancer after my hip fractured seven years ago…I had a succesful hip replacement…prior to this I felt some joint muscle strain very like you described Nicky. I do have bisphosphonates and I haven’t had any fractures since then…and I went crashing down on an icy pavement last year but was absolutely fine.